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1. Main Report

When logging in, you will see the Main Report page where the creator (Creator)  Able to view daily sales (Sale Report) that will show the number of downloads of your own stickers at the desired time interval.

2. Create Sticker

Creator can send stickers to ChatStick system by filling in details.

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2.1 Categories

Creator can select categories for your stickers by choosing from different categories. that the system has to offer

2.2  sales model

There are two types of sales formats as follows:

1.iMessage Free : Creator must specify In App Purchase Price

2. iMessage + Emoji Keyboard : Creator must specify Sticker price

       **The team recommends to create both formats because it is the format that generates the most income. The creator must create 2 sets of stickers. The data in a .zip file can be used in the same file.

2.3  Icon & Sticker File

1. The icon of the sticker must be uploaded as the largest rectangular icon (recommended size 1024x1024).

2. Sticker File must be uploaded as a .zip file only.

3.  Sticker details

These include the app name, description, and keyword. Creator can choose to describe in either language.

(But there should be details in both languages to make the information complete)

>> can download documents and templates here <<

4. Reset Password

For security use, Creator can change the Password for the next ChatStick login by yourself.

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