Computer problem slow, sluggish, freezes, what is the cause, along with how to solve it

Computer problem slow, sluggish, freezes, what is the cause, along with how to solve it
Computer is slow, sluggish, freezes, what is the cause?
Computer slow, sluggish, freezes are caused by the processor being processed at full power. because of the activation of too many programs If you don't want to run into problems, you should look at which programs consume a lot of processing power. So that you can calculate correctly how many other launches you should open.
So is there a solution?
There are many ways to solve it. Here's how:
1) If you do not use any program, it should not be left open. After using it, close it.
2) Check the Windows Startup settings to close unused programs.
3) Registry files should be cleared.
4) Viruses should be removed.
5) Uninstall unused programs
6) Uninstall Addware programs
7) Do Disk Defragment
8) Upgrade the computer to be more powerful than before.
9) Change Windows or update Windows
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