Nice app to use Streaming Application for investors ⚡️

Nice app to use Streaming Application for investors ⚡️
For this article, we would like to present knowledge about the stock streaming app for new users to leave each other. If you're ready, let's go see it.
🔸 Get to know streaming
streaming or settrade streaming for fund is an application used for buying or selling mutual funds. and can check the status of the order Selling various mutual funds by tracking about the investment portfolio in mutual funds and can also view various information of mutual funds for use in making investment decisions
🔸 User Manual for Beginners
my menu is an additional function and including settings
The deal sum is a summary of the day's successful buy or sell transactions.
order is to show the status of your order or sale.
Portfolio is a display of your portfolio and viewing orders. by being able to view stock information or all derivatives within the port along with a summary of profit and loss
click is to send orders or sales easily and quickly. Just do a double click.
buy is for sending stock orders.
sell is something for placing an order to sell a stock
A ticker is a listing of the latest buy or sell stocks or derivatives within the market in real time.
bid is wanting to buy and wanting to sell at what price is it now
A quote is an in-depth analysis of individual stocks or derivatives.
watch is to watch 10 stocks at the same time
sum is an overview of the market, including market movements, set index, set50, mai and tfex.
How are you? Hope this article will be useful to all readers and see you in the next article.
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