ðĢRSI Professional Investment Signal Analyzer
ðĢRSI Professional Investment Signal Analyzer
In this article, we would like to present some tips about what is known as rsi what this is to leave each other. If you're ready, let's go see it.
ðđ Get to know RSI
The RSI is a momentum-type technical indicator that is used to measure price swings that are overbought. or overselling with values ââranging from 0-100, in which the standard values ââthat are commonly used are 30 and 70, which if RSI, which is below 30, is considered oversold. And if it's over 70, it's considered overbought.
ðđWhat is the overbought condition?
Overbought is when the price is so high that it may cause no further purchases. Because when someone starts to feel that if the price is bought, that person will not be able to sell it.
ðđWhat is an oversold condition?
An oversold condition is one where the price has dropped dramatically. Or there is a section of sales force that is so large that the price starts to be cheap. Until there is a person who wants to make a purchase. If it's easy to compare, it's like buying a product during a promotion to hoard it for future use.
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