Solve all your doubts about Bitcoin mining.

Solve all your doubts about Bitcoin mining.
👉🏻What is Bitcoin Mining?
bitcoin mining It is the use of computers to process and solve equations. In order to receive confirmation of the transaction and add new data to the blockchain by someone who can solve the equation before getting BTC in return, every miner is assigned two important tasks: 1) verify transactions to avoid fraud, and 2) Generate new BTC as a reward and add coins to the system.
👉🏻How to start?
Initially, miners must have equipment for mining. Which are either assembled by yourself, ready-made or rented, details are as follows.
1) Assemble it yourself. The important part of the mining machine is the GPU or graphics card. Because the more powerful the graphics card, the more hashrate, according to other devices, it doesn't have to be very expensive, but it focuses on durability. As for the PSU, choose a high-powered and stable one. And don't forget to install mining programs such as CG Miner, BFGMiner, Easyminer and Awesome Miner.
2) Ready-made designs, a successful way for people who don't want to assemble themselves Then try to buy ASIC to mine BTC coins.
3) Rental type. Anyone who has no capital, try Cloud Mining that will help you mine easily. Just hire someone to dig it for you. That's it, BTC has already flowed in.
👉🏻Is this method really rich?
Rich or not rich depends on whether you can bear the expenses or not. Because this method accepts that coins are easy to get, but the cost to exchange is high enough. both equipment cost The cost of electricity will be much higher. and have to deal with price fluctuations that may rise within a fraction of a second. and then plummeted in half a second as well Therefore, if using this method should be studied carefully. and take the risks that may arise
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