Solve doubts about TFRSClear your doubts about TFRS.

Solve doubts about TFRSClear your doubts about TFRS.
Get to know TFRS
TFRS or Thai Financial Reporting Standard is Thai financial reporting standard. It is a guideline for doing business. Prepared by the Accounting Standards Committee, altogether 15 persons, including accounting staff audit office Finance and Investment Specialist Regulatory agencies for both the state and the capital market. Including professors at universities. The TFRS process starts from studying, researching and monitoring, planning, and then preparing financial reporting standards. understand submit the draft to the sub-committee finally explained Process to disseminate which TFRS is important in business operations that will be collected in daily life, such as purchases, sales, receipts and payments, etc. It is also a guideline for the work of accountants to be reliable as well.
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