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📣Teaching how to shoot Facebook Ads ads with a mobile phone. Easy to do. Year 2021

Teaching how to shoot Facebook Ads ads with a mobile phone. Easy to do. Year 2021  Teaching how to shoot, add Facebook seems to be learning that entrepreneurs Business owners, marketers, almost everyone wants to learn. because for online marketing planning A large and influential online marketing channel like Facebook is one of the channels that many businesses choose to use as their main channel.  This is because in addition to Facebook being a platform that supports doing business properly. Content can now be published in a variety of formats. More importantly, there is also a function to shoot advertising that helps our business to reach the target audience more accurately and with a larger number as well.  📍Facebook Ads shooting with mobile phone Facebook Ads or Facebook Ads shooting Usually when talking about this Kwan would suggest that a good Facebook ad shoot should use a computer or notebook to shoot because it's a Facebook application on a mobile phone or tablet. This will remove some functions or features that are used to set ad shooting options. When ad shooting options are few It's not very possible to narrow your audience. As a result, the cost of shooting ads is more expensive than using a computer to shoot through the ad manager system. The important thing is that the accuracy will also decrease. But shooting an add with a mobile phone is not that it has no advantages at all. The most important advantage of shooting with a mobile phone is Convenience and easy to use, so it is suitable for - People who are new to shooting add It doesn't shoot very complicated ads. I want to try to use a mobile phone to shoot easily. - People with limitations such as not having a computer no notebook - People who sometimes find it difficult to use the computer, such as outside the office. come to the exhibition booth But must hurry to promote the post, shoot Facebook Ads ads to attract people to buy things at the booth. like this We may be able to use a mobile phone to shoot and add first. Today, Kwan will teach everyone how to shoot Facebook Ads ads with one mobile phone how to do it to get the best results.  And as always Kwan will have a step-by-step tutorial clip below, click to watch and follow. Under the clip, there is a summary of the steps again.  📍How to shoot Facebook Ads with mobile phone Things you should know before using a mobile phone to shoot add - When we will shoot Facebook ads We will not use the way to press the button to promote the post under the post on our Facebook fan page. But we will use an application called Facebook Business Suite, which was originally the Facebook Page Manager app or our business page manager. So before you start shooting add with your mobile phone. Let everyone go download the Facebook Business Suite application to their mobile phone first. Install it and connect it to our Facebook account. - Before shooting an advertisement, let us first post the content that we want to promote on the page. Then open the Facebook Business Suite app to continue shooting.  Step 1: Press to open the Facebook Business Suite application.  Step 2: Click to select the page that we want to shoot ads. (This step is for people who have more than one page to manage, but if you only have one page, you can skip to step 3.) 2.1 Click to select your profile picture at the bottom left menu bar, press 1 time 2.2 The system will display the main page of the page. Click on the profile picture in the upper left corner once more. The system will display all the pages that we maintain. Let us click on the desired page 1 time. 2.3 Press the command at the bottom menu bar, the second one to return to the page showing the posts.  Step 3: Scroll to the post you want to advertise and click the “Promote Post” button under the post.  Step 4: Set the Objective We need to focus on choosing the target of advertising. It's especially effective when Facebook's AI uses our settings to compute algorithms to deliver ads to targeted audiences. The goals that we have to choose will have 4 topics together. Press on the word "See more" to view all topics.  in considering the choice of goals We have to consider the nature of the post that we want to advertise as follows.  4.1 Website Visitor Objectives – Suitable for people who have a business website, post-style such as sharing content or articles from our business website. When a person clicks on an image, it links readers to a business website, a page showing that content, or a promotional post that, when clicked, leads to an online shopping page on our website, for example.  4.2 Increase engagement This one is popular. In English, "engagement" means "likes, comments, and shares". Promote brand awareness Let more people see your posts.  4.3 Increase the number of messages Suitable for promotional posts, sales posts that want to generate sales, focusing on people who message inbox to order a lot of things, which in this topic will be broken into WhatsApp messages as well, which is suitable for Some countries where WhatsApp is used by most people are India, Vietnam, Russia, Latin America countries, etc.  4.4 Increase the number of calls Suitable for businesses or products that require cells to close sales, such as high-priced products such as homes, cars, or innovative products or services that require an appointment, etc.  Step 5: Set up a special ad category Since Facebook now has a topic of sensitive content, so this section has been added to the settings. Facebook wants to know if the content that we want to add is specifically related to social issues. If we sell as usual in this topic, it will not be relevant anymore. We don't have to press open.  Step 6: Set up an audience Means to determine the group of people who will see our ads. It's a very important setting. Absolutely do not press through. must always be set Because setting the right audience will be a factor in our ad campaign success. Click "People you choose via targeting" >> "Edit".  6.1 Determine the location Notice that the default is "Thai", but in fact Some businesses should not shoot advertisements to the whole country. for example Restaurant business, coffee shop, or service business such as air conditioner cleaning, home repair, termite removal, cable TV installation, car garage, etc. These are businesses that focus on serving people in the area or in the neighborhood. not selling to the whole country If they were to shoot for the whole country, they would waste more than necessary. to be designated as a province instead  But if our business is a business that can deliver or can provide services nationwide, such as consumer products. Cosmetics, skin care, fashion products, service businesses with franchises in different provinces or businesses related to tourism and hospitality that focus on selling tourists from all over the country or around the world. Therefore, the location can be set as "Thai". - Setting a new location can be done by clicking the arrow on the side and then press Remove Thai word. When finished, type the name of the province you want. (Province where our business is located or nearby provinces) in English or Thai. The system will automatically display the name. Let us click on the name of the province once to confirm the selection. - If our business has a storefront or branches in more than 1 province, we do the same thing, that is, type the name of the province and press select to confirm. You can continue to do this. - Once we have set the location, click on “Save” at the bottom.  6.2 Define attributes Is to narrow the target audience further to make the add more accurate shooting. This is to add an ad delivery filter to Facebook's algorithm to deliver our ads to the right people. to people who are actually interested or likely to buy our services. How to browse filters to set This is done by clicking the side arrow once.  The system will display a message box for us to choose to enter the words that are our terms. There are many things that we can put in this text box. Let us consider it with regard to the product/service/business. and the content that we will mainly advertise   The way to enter is to type a keyword into it. It can be Thai or English. Then the system will display that word or a list of about 3-4 words related to us to choose by clicking 1 time on the desired word to confirm the selection. The main topics that we usually choose to put in this text box are:  a. Demographic information such as gender, age, occupation, education, marital status, etc. b. the interest of the target group or interest, for example We post sales of beauty related items. It may choose the interests of the target audience as beauty, fashion, skincare, etc., depending on what products we sell. Or if we post a car for sale, we can post it as a model of the car that we post for sale, such as Toyota Camry, Honda Civic, etc., which we can define more as a first-hand or second-hand to define a group. The goal is narrowed and pointed further down. c. Behavior of the target audience (Behavior) such as hobbies, relationships, important opportunities in life, etc.  But if we can't figure out that our business or our post What keywords should be typed? The system has a helper. By scrolling down to the bottom, there will be a word "Browse". When you click on it, there will be a blank space. when we start typing the words The system will display a list of more related words than if you didn't press the browse button. We can select several options at all, then press “Save”.  in this search box not set only interest But you can also set up additional demographic information, such as what level of education you graduated from. married or not how is the marriage status  Many people may be confused about how the level of education can be related to the shopping behavior of people. It's easy to explain like this that with Facebook's system, it's not set to include income or salary when. We apply for an account. Because it is considered a very private matter that people do not want to disclose and do not want information, Facebook does not collect information on this matter.  However, as a business person or marketer, the market position is clearly defined as to who they are selling to: upper market, mid market or mass market, especially if our products are expensive products that target customers. Specific groups (niche market) information about the income of the population. household income It is very effective in choosing the target audience to shoot ads. Because no matter how interesting the product advertisement is, but if we shoot add to the group of people who do not have purchasing power We may have a hard time selling.   Now, Facebook doesn't have any income information for us to choose from. Therefore, we have to use the analysis according to the labor market rules of Thailand instead. It was found that those with higher education had a higher base salary than those with lower levels of education. Therefore, products that capture the upper market, it is necessary to determine the level of education of the target audience when shooting advertisements.  In addition, the education level is also related to the type of product, for example, if our products focus on selling high school teenagers university students, etc. We can also set the level of education to match our customer groups as well.  Step 7: Press “Save” the selected demographic, interest or behavioral data. After we have defined the demographic, interest or behavioral target group conditions, click on the “Save” button at the bottom once.  Step 8: Choose the age and gender of the audience. This can be done by clicking the button and moving the left-right button to the desired age range. Which we have to analyze before, who our products want to sell to. Who is the target audience of our products? Including the post that we want to shoot this ad. What age group do you want to target?  Then click to select the gender of the person you want to send ads to. If our products are gender-segregated such as clothing, bags, shoes, especially for men or women, etc., then we need to specify gender in the delivery of our advertisements. But if it is a product or service that the buyer has both males and females, then choose "all", click 1 time on the options that we want.  Once selected, press the button. "Save the target audience" below it.  Step 9: Set a Budget There is a budget setting that we need to set as follows. 9.1 “Total budget” means advertising costs throughout the campaign that we will have to pay. It's not a daily budget. How to set it, let us slide the ad config button to the budget that we want. 9.2 “Period” means the number of days we want your ad to show. How to set it is to press the plus sign + or minus sign - to get the number of days we want.   After setting both settings successfully The system will display a summary of the budget. The system will calculate the daily budget for us to finish everything. For example, if we set the total budget throughout the campaign is 1,000 baht. I want the admin to show results for 5 days. The summary of the expenses that we will use per day is 200 baht, etc. Let us review the correctness. Must be able to summarize this result successfully before pressing submit.  Step 10: Set Up Payments For those who have shot advertisements before Payment has been set up, skip to step 11. For those who have never shot an advertisement before never set up payment Let's do this.   10.1 Press the button “Add Payment Method” to enter the payment information for advertising on Facebook first. where we have to set it is 10.2 Set the location and currency to Thailand, Thai Baht (THB). 10.3 Add a payment method Click to select the type of payment that we want. There are currently 4 channels to choose from: - Pay by credit or debit card (If it's a debit card, we need to register for online shopping with the bank first.) - Pay with PayPal - Pay via internet banking - Pay with ad credit When the payment option has been pressed, press “Next”. The system will prompt us to enter additional information such as credit card details. The amount we want to top up (In the case of internet banking), etc.  Step 11: Press “Promote Post Now” When you press to promote a post Our ads will not be published immediately. The system will deliver our ads to Facebook to determine if there are any rules violations such as before-after image display, any ad text that violates Facebook's wording rules, etc.  Most of the time, if our ads are not breaking any rules. Our ads will be displayed within a few hours after we press to promote the post. Normally, Facebook will guarantee the time for considering the ad is not more than 24 hours. We should come and shoot new ads. We have to check to see if we do anything against the rules or not.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interested in online marketing care services | online marketing | complete graphics | can contact us anytime | brand building | online marketing | online marketing plan | brand building | Facebook fan page care | Take care of LINE OA. You can contact us 24 hours a day.   Details of online marketing services >> Examples of various brands that we take care of online marketing >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  💙 Consult our team 💙 📱Tel : 0840104252 📱0947805680 Office Hotline : 034-900-165 , 02-297-0811 (Monday-Friday) 📨 Inbox : ┏━━━━━━━━━┓ 📲 LINE: @chatstick ┗━━━━━━━━━┛ or click 🎉 details at 🎉 See our work at

Teaching how to shoot Facebook Ads ads with a mobile phone. Easy to do. Year 2021

Teaching how to shoot, add Facebook seems to be learning that entrepreneurs Business owners, marketers, almost everyone wants to learn. because for online marketing planning A large and influential online marketing channel like Facebook is one of the channels that many businesses choose to use as their main channel.

This is because in addition to Facebook being a platform that supports doing business properly. Content can now be published in a variety of formats. More importantly, there is also a function to shoot advertising that helps our business to reach the target audience more accurately and with a larger number as well.

📍Facebook Ads shooting with mobile phone

Facebook Ads or Facebook Ads shooting Usually when talking about this Kwan would suggest that a good Facebook ad shoot should use a computer or notebook to shoot because it's a Facebook application on a mobile phone or tablet. This will remove some functions or features that are used to set ad shooting options. When ad shooting options are few It's not very possible to narrow your audience. As a result, the cost of shooting ads is more expensive than using a computer to shoot through the ad manager system. The important thing is that the accuracy will also decrease. But shooting an add with a mobile phone is not that it has no advantages at all. The most important advantage of shooting with a mobile phone is Convenience and easy to use, so it is suitable for

- People who are new to shooting add It doesn't shoot very complicated ads. I want to try to use a mobile phone to shoot easily.

- People with limitations such as not having a computer no notebook

- People who sometimes find it difficult to use the computer, such as outside the office. come to the exhibition booth But must hurry to promote the post, shoot Facebook Ads ads to attract people to buy things at the booth.

like this We may be able to use a mobile phone to shoot and add first. Today, Kwan will teach everyone how to shoot Facebook Ads ads with one mobile phone how to do it to get the best results.

And as always Kwan will have a step-by-step tutorial clip below, click to watch and follow. Under the clip, there is a summary of the steps again.

📍How to shoot Facebook Ads with mobile phone

Things you should know before using a mobile phone to shoot add

- When we will shoot Facebook ads We will not use the way to press the button to promote the post under the post on our Facebook fan page. But we will use an application called Facebook Business Suite, which was originally the Facebook Page Manager app or our business page manager. So before you start shooting add with your mobile phone. Let everyone go download the Facebook Business Suite application to their mobile phone first. Install it and connect it to our Facebook account.

- Before shooting an advertisement, let us first post the content that we want to promote on the page. Then open the Facebook Business Suite app to continue shooting.

Step 1: Press to open the Facebook Business Suite application.

Step 2: Click to select the page that we want to shoot ads.

(This step is for people who have more than one page to manage, but if you only have one page, you can skip to step 3.)

2.1 Click to select your profile picture at the bottom left menu bar, press 1 time

2.2 The system will display the main page of the page. Click on the profile picture in the upper left corner once more. The system will display all the pages that we maintain. Let us click on the desired page 1 time.

2.3 Press the command at the bottom menu bar, the second one to return to the page showing the posts.

Step 3: Scroll to the post you want to advertise and click the “Promote Post” button under the post.

Step 4: Set the Objective

We need to focus on choosing the target of advertising. It's especially effective when Facebook's AI uses our settings to compute algorithms to deliver ads to targeted audiences. The goals that we have to choose will have 4 topics together. Press on the word "See more" to view all topics.

in considering the choice of goals We have to consider the nature of the post that we want to advertise as follows.

4.1 Website Visitor Objectives – Suitable for people who have a business website, post-style such as sharing content or articles from our business website. When a person clicks on an image, it links readers to a business website, a page showing that content, or a promotional post that, when clicked, leads to an online shopping page on our website, for example.

4.2 Increase engagement This one is popular. In English, "engagement" means "likes, comments, and shares". Promote brand awareness Let more people see your posts.

4.3 Increase the number of messages Suitable for promotional posts, sales posts that want to generate sales, focusing on people who message inbox to order a lot of things, which in this topic will be broken into WhatsApp messages as well, which is suitable for Some countries where WhatsApp is used by most people are India, Vietnam, Russia, Latin America countries, etc.

4.4 Increase the number of calls Suitable for businesses or products that require cells to close sales, such as high-priced products such as homes, cars, or innovative products or services that require an appointment, etc.

Step 5: Set up a special ad category

Since Facebook now has a topic of sensitive content, so this section has been added to the settings. Facebook wants to know if the content that we want to add is specifically related to social issues. If we sell as usual in this topic, it will not be relevant anymore. We don't have to press open.

Step 6: Set up an audience

Means to determine the group of people who will see our ads. It's a very important setting. Absolutely do not press through. must always be set Because setting the right audience will be a factor in our ad campaign success. Click "People you choose via targeting" >> "Edit".

6.1 Determine the location

Notice that the default is "Thai", but in fact Some businesses should not shoot advertisements to the whole country. for example Restaurant business, coffee shop, or service business such as air conditioner cleaning, home repair, termite removal, cable TV installation, car garage, etc. These are businesses that focus on serving people in the area or in the neighborhood. not selling to the whole country If they were to shoot for the whole country, they would waste more than necessary. to be designated as a province instead

But if our business is a business that can deliver or can provide services nationwide, such as consumer products. Cosmetics, skin care, fashion products, service businesses with franchises in different provinces or businesses related to tourism and hospitality that focus on selling tourists from all over the country or around the world. Therefore, the location can be set as "Thai".

- Setting a new location can be done by clicking the arrow on the side and then press Remove Thai word. When finished, type the name of the province you want. (Province where our business is located or nearby provinces) in English or Thai. The system will automatically display the name. Let us click on the name of the province once to confirm the selection.

- If our business has a storefront or branches in more than 1 province, we do the same thing, that is, type the name of the province and press select to confirm. You can continue to do this.

- Once we have set the location, click on “Save” at the bottom.

6.2 Define attributes

Is to narrow the target audience further to make the add more accurate shooting. This is to add an ad delivery filter to Facebook's algorithm to deliver our ads to the right people. to people who are actually interested or likely to buy our services. How to browse filters to set This is done by clicking the side arrow once.

The system will display a message box for us to choose to enter the words that are our terms. There are many things that we can put in this text box. Let us consider it with regard to the product/service/business. and the content that we will mainly advertise

The way to enter is to type a keyword into it. It can be Thai or English. Then the system will display that word or a list of about 3-4 words related to us to choose by clicking 1 time on the desired word to confirm the selection. The main topics that we usually choose to put in this text box are:

a. Demographic information such as gender, age, occupation, education, marital status, etc.

b. the interest of the target group or interest, for example We post sales of beauty related items. It may choose the interests of the target audience as beauty, fashion, skincare, etc., depending on what products we sell. Or if we post a car for sale, we can post it as a model of the car that we post for sale, such as Toyota Camry, Honda Civic, etc., which we can define more as a first-hand or second-hand to define a group. The goal is narrowed and pointed further down.

c. Behavior of the target audience (Behavior) such as hobbies, relationships, important opportunities in life, etc.

But if we can't figure out that our business or our post What keywords should be typed? The system has a helper. By scrolling down to the bottom, there will be a word "Browse". When you click on it, there will be a blank space. when we start typing the words The system will display a list of more related words than if you didn't press the browse button. We can select several options at all, then press “Save”.

in this search box not set only interest But you can also set up additional demographic information, such as what level of education you graduated from. married or not how is the marriage status

Many people may be confused about how the level of education can be related to the shopping behavior of people. It's easy to explain like this that with Facebook's system, it's not set to include income or salary when. We apply for an account. Because it is considered a very private matter that people do not want to disclose and do not want information, Facebook does not collect information on this matter.

However, as a business person or marketer, the market position is clearly defined as to who they are selling to: upper market, mid market or mass market, especially if our products are expensive products that target customers. Specific groups (niche market) information about the income of the population. household income It is very effective in choosing the target audience to shoot ads. Because no matter how interesting the product advertisement is, but if we shoot add to the group of people who do not have purchasing power We may have a hard time selling.

Now, Facebook doesn't have any income information for us to choose from. Therefore, we have to use the analysis according to the labor market rules of Thailand instead. It was found that those with higher education had a higher base salary than those with lower levels of education. Therefore, products that capture the upper market, it is necessary to determine the level of education of the target audience when shooting advertisements.

In addition, the education level is also related to the type of product, for example, if our products focus on selling high school teenagers university students, etc. We can also set the level of education to match our customer groups as well.

Step 7: Press “Save” the selected demographic, interest or behavioral data.

After we have defined the demographic, interest or behavioral target group conditions, click on the “Save” button at the bottom once.

Step 8: Choose the age and gender of the audience.

This can be done by clicking the button and moving the left-right button to the desired age range. Which we have to analyze before, who our products want to sell to. Who is the target audience of our products? Including the post that we want to shoot this ad. What age group do you want to target?

Then click to select the gender of the person you want to send ads to. If our products are gender-segregated such as clothing, bags, shoes, especially for men or women, etc., then we need to specify gender in the delivery of our advertisements. But if it is a product or service that the buyer has both males and females, then choose "all", click 1 time on the options that we want.

Once selected, press the button. "Save the target audience" below it.

Step 9: Set a Budget

There is a budget setting that we need to set as follows.

9.1 “Total budget” means advertising costs throughout the campaign that we will have to pay. It's not a daily budget. How to set it, let us slide the ad config button to the budget that we want.

9.2 “Period” means the number of days we want your ad to show. How to set it is to press the plus sign + or minus sign - to get the number of days we want.

After setting both settings successfully The system will display a summary of the budget. The system will calculate the daily budget for us to finish everything. For example, if we set the total budget throughout the campaign is 1,000 baht. I want the admin to show results for 5 days. The summary of the expenses that we will use per day is 200 baht, etc. Let us review the correctness. Must be able to summarize this result successfully before pressing submit.

Step 10: Set Up Payments

For those who have shot advertisements before Payment has been set up, skip to step 11.

For those who have never shot an advertisement before never set up payment Let's do this.

10.1 Press the button “Add Payment Method” to enter the payment information for advertising on Facebook first. where we have to set it is

10.2 Set the location and currency to Thailand, Thai Baht (THB).

10.3 Add a payment method Click to select the type of payment that we want. There are currently 4 channels to choose from:

- Pay by credit or debit card (If it's a debit card, we need to register for online shopping with the bank first.)

- Pay with PayPal

- Pay via internet banking

- Pay with ad credit

When the payment option has been pressed, press “Next”. The system will prompt us to enter additional information such as credit card details. The amount we want to top up (In the case of internet banking), etc.

Step 11: Press “Promote Post Now”

When you press to promote a post Our ads will not be published immediately. The system will deliver our ads to Facebook to determine if there are any rules violations such as before-after image display, any ad text that violates Facebook's wording rules, etc.

Most of the time, if our ads are not breaking any rules. Our ads will be displayed within a few hours after we press to promote the post. Normally, Facebook will guarantee the time for considering the ad is not more than 24 hours. We should come and shoot new ads. We have to check to see if we do anything against the rules or not.


Interested in online marketing care services | online marketing | complete graphics | can contact us anytime | brand building | online marketing | online marketing plan | brand building | Facebook fan page care | Take care of LINE OA. You can contact us 24 hours a day.

Details of online marketing services

Examples of various brands that we take care of online marketing


💙 Consult our team 💙

📱Tel : 0840104252 📱0947805680

Office Hotline : 034-900-165 , 02-297-0811 (Monday-Friday)


📲 LINE: @chatstick


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