What is the difference between E-Signature VS Digital Signature?
What is the difference between E-Signature VS Digital Signature?
Document signing is no longer necessary on paper. because there is already an online document signing system This saves the cost of creating documents and also reduces the use of paper as well. e-signature and digital signature are very responsive to online documents. So today I would like to take you to know e-signature and Digital Signature what are both of them. How are they different?
What is e-signature?
e-signature is an electronic signature. which is a symbol or signature by a person in the form electronics to sign a document or confirm its text
📌 What is the nature of the signing?
This can be done either by using different symbols or by signing. Including pressing the answer button and identifiable login. to verify your identity or sign a document
📌 Is it good to use e-signature?
Using an e-signature is a legal signature. But there are flaws in the matter of security. because the signature may have been forged. Therefore, this type of signature is suitable for documents that are less high-risk, such as leave slips, disbursement slips, etc.
📌 So what is Digital Signature?
Digital Signature is an electronic signature obtained by encrypting electronic data. that helps to verify the identity of the owner of the signature A change in text or signature was found. And the signer cannot refuse once the document has been signed. For example, using public key encryption/decryption principles. The signer enters the information in an encrypted text format. If the parties want to access the data, they must enter the code decrypted with a combination of keys. These will be evidence that what is signed is actually the intent of the signer.
📌 So what is the difference between e-signature and digital signature?
Using an e-signature is a less-risk signature, whereas a digital signature is a high-risk signature. Since there are relatively better security procedures than e-signature, the choice of e-signature method depends on the confidentiality or risk level of the document.
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