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10 traps for entrepreneurs who are not as good as you think✨

10 traps for entrepreneurs who are not as good as you think✨

1. Business owners do not have personal time.

If you think you're a business owner, what time do you get up, what time do you work, where you can go? You are terribly wrong. If it's a business that is growing in the wind, then probably yes. But for the first 3-5 years when you only have business. The only question you have to answer with every breath is "How to survive"

2. Business owners have money, but they have a lot of debt.

If you think that you are a business owner, you will be rich. You're wrong again. because you only look at the money he has Can you try to ask or find out how much debt he has? Many people have been in negative account debt for years, working every day to “clear debt” only. This is the worst “time” of business ownership.

3. Business owners must take care Solve all problems related to subordinates.

A subordinate quarrels with his wife, has to take care of it, has to take care of it, has to take care of it, has to take care of it, has to take care of it, and has to take care of it. It's not the only one responsible. If you're not ready to take care of them, don't even think of being a business owner.

4. Business owners must Do everything to get customers

customer is god to give money to the business Business owners have to tolerate both good customers. Lukthep customers must withstand the centrifugal force Lots of pressure to get customers It is not easy to Been in this condition for a long time Who said business owners can be their own bosses, don't have to be confused if you think that having to reconcile bosses with colleagues is difficult. Running your own business is much more difficult. Why do we have to reconcile customers to join our business or buy products from us? We have to please our subordinates so that they want to continue working with us. Because if you do not reconcile customers, it means that there is no income. Not taking care of his subordinates, if he resigns, we don't have anyone to help. It takes time to find someone new.

5. Business owners have to work every day.

Working full time with holidays (Although there will be some urgent work to insert) but if you own it. Your work will never run out, when you're doing your full-time job, you only have one part of your responsibility, and it's done. And pass it on to others, but when you come up to own your own work, you have to work late morning until late or dawn, there are still 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, almost no rest, many people may not even have time to eat. Some people have to fall asleep. It's not easier than going through the "Startup Business" period to "naive". This period will prove whether or not we are serious about being. "Business owner

6. Business owners are not always rich.

To think that your own business will get full money is not true at all. Because every work has a cost. including employee wages, rent, taxes, water bills, electricity bills, miscellaneous expenses Where will the debt to borrow money from the bank again If we have a job, there are not many customers. When the debt is offset, there is almost no salary left for himself. Good or bad will lose again.

7. Opening a business is not an overnight success.

Many people think that your business will boom There was money pouring in from the start because that was almost impossible. The businesses we saw as successful didn't just happen overnight. But it takes time and dedication. to create it I had to face countless failures, disappointments, and losses.

8. Business owners may suffer losses for years

Remember that starting a business Start Up is nothing stable, low capital, not many customers. You may have to sit in loneliness with few clients and years of losses before you became known to place your bets.

9. Business Owner being cheated by a subordinate

Working so tired Being in debt is even more exhausting. But what's heavier is about people close to you. Trusted employees Push to betray after cheating and cheating gold. can be seen on the roof owner His subordinates are getting richer every day if they can't manage to prevent, deter and suppress corruption. The chances of a business going bankrupt are even higher.

10. The owner of the business is liable for the premium debtor.

At first, it pays well, but when credit begins to pay off debt start to deviate Finally got away from debt This format will be "domino", every business is numbered. When the debtor does not pay the debt There was a lack of liquidity in the financial system. We have to find new money to buy products to sell to earn income. It's more debt. If we don't have a way to manage "receivables", it affects the financial condition of the company very much.

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