6 steps to sell online to be great ❗

6 steps to sell online to be great ❗
Online selling business. Chang Hom Huan. whoever you are already have a main occupation or want to make a career Be in any circle Everyone would like to have the opportunity to try to find capital to do online trading business once. because they saw the advantages of selling that they almost didn't have to lose their investment No need to pay rent for the location. Easy to buy, sell out quickly or for whatever reason In this minute, the trend of business that is going strong is inevitable. Definitely selling online Especially after going through the Covid-19 crisis. There are many businesses that have turned to do more online.
1. Make a marketing plan
Of course, to do business If we think and act right away, there is no planning. There is a high risk that our business will not survive. Therefore, the first thing we should do is “planning”.
👉🏻Store name/brand
Store or brand names should be concise, easy to remember and unique. and not unique to others How to check if a brand name is duplicate or not? We may take the name that comes to mind and try to find it on Google Search, Facebook or Instragram. Has anyone named this page, shop and website yet?
👉🏻 Find the right customer group
online sales If we know the target audience or know who our customers are It will help us to market online more efficiently. both in terms of content making, advertising, and product development guidelines and service by what you need to find is
- Who our customers are : gender, age, education, occupation
- Where are our customers located : specific countries, provinces or areas?
- How do our customers behave? What are you interested in?
You may have seen content on Facebook and felt that the word hit it. this product exactly what we are interested in This shop is not far away. That's because he's already found you.
👉🏻 Set clear, measurable goals.
Many people have the idea of starting an online business because they think it looks easy, anyone can do it. no clear goals I often start to get discouraged, lazy and give up for online sales. You may start setting goals from a simple one. before, such as
- There are 10 orders per day or 30 orders per month.
- Have sales of 50,000 baht per month
- 10,000 Facebook followers (who are real people Not a Like purchase)
- 10,000 people visit the website per month
Once your business has a clear goal. The next step is finding a path to reach that goal
2. Choose a channel to promote the product.
when we get a brand name and know who our customers are The next step is to choose a sales channel. In fact, we do not need to choose which channel to sell only. Because each channel has different strengths, for example:
👉🏻Social Media
Facebook and Instagram. People who are thinking of selling online must have this channel in their head for sure. The highlight of Social Media is that it is easy to reach customers, able to talk, organize activities and interact well with customers. Help build a brand image.
Stores selling through Facebook don't have to compete in terms of price. It can also increase the value of the product through creating good content. For stores that have just opened a new page May help people around you press Like the page or help share to make the shop known. If there is a cost, it can also advertise to promote the store.
Or as we know the name of Shopee or LAZADA is another channel that allows us to create a store profile. and bring the product to sell It is a channel that many shoppers come to find products that they want. And compare prices from many stores before buying, causing the Marketplace to have quite a lot of price competition.
But the behavior of shoppers is constantly changing as well. In addition to the price comparison There is also a search for reviews. for further comparison. Any store that has a lot of good reviews can continue to make money from here.
for new arrivals There are not many reviews yet. If selling products like other stores Still have to compete in terms of price. causing merchants to find other channels To help promote in the beginning as well.
If your store also has a website It will allow the store to reach a group of customers who come from Google Search, which this group of customers are quite high quality because people search for information. Or something on Google, most of them already have a demand for that product.
The more if we can make a website to rank on the first page of Google, your store will have more people to buy products continuously and long term.
In addition, the website can also help expand online marketing in many other channels, for example. Collecting information of people who visit the website to determine the target audience. For advertising on other channels, whether Facebook, Instagram or Google Ads.
You may have seen an advertisement for a product. From the website you just visited, to Facebook, this is another form of online marketing that your store can do if they have a website. There are two popular types of online store website making: hired with WordPress and using a ready-made website.
👉🏻LINE Official Account
In fact, LINE OA is considered another social media channel. But I separated it because We use them for different purposes. We don't use it to promote, but we use LINE OA to communicate with our customers specifically.
Many people may think, then why not use Facebook Messenger? It's not wrong, but from past experiences, it has been found that customers who add LINE OA to inquire or order products. There is a 70% chance of closing the sale than Facebook Messenger, and now we can post products through LINE My Shop as well. When customers are interested in a product, we can send this link to customers to buy. and pay immediately
3. Choose a payment method
The important thing that online stores are indispensable is Online payment methods Many online stores may start with using a bank account to receive payments. But if it's good If the store can accept online payments by credit card. Your store has a 30% more chance of closing outages.
Accepting credit card payments can be done using the Payment Gateway service, which is divided into 2 types:
- Bank of : K-Payment Gateway of Kasikorn Bank
- Non-Bank : Paypal, GB Prime Pay
Of course, many people see that there is a fee, so they don't want to use it. But I recommend that you should use it because what you will get back is Opportunity to close the sale and increasing number of customers
4. Measure online marketing results
It's not just selling online. But doing all kinds of business if you want to be successful. You also need to know how to measure results. So that we know that the goals we set at the beginning, whether we achieved them or close to the goals we set, for example:
- The goal is to have 5,000 visitors to the website per month.
- The result is that last month 50 people viewed.
- Improved guidelines Try writing interesting content using keywords that have higher search volumes or focus on doing more SEO.
Measuring results helps us know where we need to improve. in order to enable us to reach that goal
But if the results you have met the goals you set What you need to do next is aim higher for your business to grow according to the goals you set
5. There are a variety of sales channels.
Having said that, your sales channel (Channel) will depend on the budget that you have. If you want to have a complete package It should start with having a website like a storefront. Then there are social media channels such as Line, Facebook, Instagram to support. While many people may choose to focus or sell in one channel only. Each channel will have a different target set. Suitable for single-person online sellers. because it will be convenient to manage The sales channels are as follows:
👉🏻Facebook This channel is considered the most popular. because it has the most users The customer group will be wide and large quantity. Easy to do marketing via Facebook Ads. With only 100 baht starting money, you can Boost Post or buy Page Like AD and make customers know us more. The procedure is very simple. Buy add by yourself via mobile phone By setting the target audience you want, choosing a time and entering an amount, Facebook will deduct the ad spend from your registered credit or debit card. In addition, there are many sales techniques that can be used to increase sales, such as live selling products or adding interest to the product by writing a caption that communicates clearly, concisely, and is an address word. in the stream, etc.
An example of online sales through Facebook that has been successful is Bang Hasan's restaurant, Dried Dried Restaurant, Satun Province, where the live trend has been selling until it hits and has a landslide of sales overnight. It can be called Bang Hasan. Be one of the best merchants in the 4.0 era that help generate income for the community. by bringing dried seafood to sell which his technique is Creating stories for both the product and himself to build confidence for customers Besides the story There is also a sales technique. Bang Hasan will go live selling online every day with a unique accent. Until someone continued to share the video on Facebook until it went viral.
From the case study of "Bang Hasan", it can be seen that creating a character for your own page to be remembered. is what the page Dried seafood restaurant, Satun province, used it through Live, simple online sales. But there is a clear script. for the fan page to be able to access It was filmed with a normal cell phone camera. but creating strengths for real-world products such as selling dried seafood must know every step of production to be able to answer customer questions And build the credibility of the brand itself. Of course, not everyone will achieve overnight success like Bang Hasan. You need patience, trial and error, and being honest with your customers. If you can, the road to success is within your reach.
👉🏻Instagram continues to grow in popularity as Instagram focuses on hip people who take beautiful photos. Hashtags must have So if you choose this channel to sell products. There should be a certain level of photography skills and there should be a number of followers. Some people are successful with selling on Instagram. Until further development, there is a storefront to receive customers, so there are quite a lot of them.
👉🏻Line Most popular online stores have Line@ to chat and sell products with customers face-to-face. Because it is private and convenient to talk to questions about products. In the beginning you may opt for the free one. That can answer 1,000 messages and then move to a Starter package with up to 200 followers, the price per month is 200 baht per month, etc. You can post products on the Timeline page.
👉🏻Twitter in the past was a channel for young people. Special Korean line This new online sales social channel. Often focuses on the Korean fandom. but did you know that Nowadays, more and more people are turning to Twitter. and there are many different groups various ages Not limited to fans of celebrities and singers only. Twitter trading happens very quickly. whether it is a product about a group of artists or even cosmetics and cute items to second-hand delivery are in high demand in this channel. If you want to sell online through Twitter. Your message must be very short and concise. Know the hashtags Provide complete payment and contact details And most of them will end the sale at Direct Message or Line.
6. Ready to devote time to customers
Reputed to be selling stuff. The most important thing you should have is Service Mind. You should always be ready to sell. diligently reply to comments diligently post product reviews When thinking of selling online, you will think that we only work 8 hours a day, enter 9 o'clock, leave 6 o'clock like an office job. Most customers may come late at night after 6pm because it's their convenient time after work. But you should also have a time limit for answering, for example, no later than 10 p.m. Start answering from 8 a.m. or answering too late in case of real emergency so that we can have time to rest and set a time for customers to go in
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