Basic Web Design Principles Easy to understand ✨
Basic Web Design Principles Easy to understand ✨
Today's websites will have a very different design. Most of the website's design will look at the elements of the organization, agency, or content that is presented primarily. There are 3 types of website design, which are:
1. Website design that focuses on presenting content.
It is a website design that focuses on presenting content rather than images. The structure mainly uses a tabular form. It has a simple visual design such as a table of contents menu and content.
2. Graphic-focused website design
It is a website design that focuses on beautiful graphics. Which may use Photoshop for image retouching. Advantages, beautiful, interesting, disadvantages may take a long time to load the web.
3. Designing a website with both images and content
It is a popular web design nowadays that consists of text, images, with various elements arranged to make the web attractive.
👉🏻 Web Design Elements
Website design for efficiency and can attract people's attention well There must be all elements of the website, including:
1. Simplicity, easy to understand
A good website design must focus primarily on simplicity. Choose to present only what you really want to present. in various forms It may focus on colors, graphics, animations or characters. It is important to have a presentation that doesn't look too cluttered. in order not to cause the feeling of cluttering the eyes or create boredom Annoying to people who visit the website There are some examples of websites that are well designed with an emphasis on simplicity: Apple, Nokia and Microsoft, among others.
2. Consistency, no confusion
The website should be designed with consistency. That is, there must be patterns, graphics, color schemes and decorations. Make each page on the website similar. and is the same line throughout the website as an example of a general website go to notice that every page of that website Will focus on all decorations in the same style. The difference is only the presentation of each page only.
3. Make it stand out unique
Website design to be able to convey the purpose of presenting the web well. It has to be unique and distinctive to the website. To be able to reflect the nature of the organization as much as possible By creating such an identity, a color scheme, images, text or graphics may be used. In addition, it must depend on whether Is it an official website? in order to have the most optimal design
4. Content must be good and complete
Content is the most important aspect of building a website. because what makes people interested And always keep track of those sites. is content that is rich and interesting. Also it needs to be improved. Keep your web content up-to-date. Including the information must be as accurate as possible.
5. Navigation system, easy to use
Navigation system It is like a signpost for users. No confusion while using the website The navigation design must focus on simplicity, ease of use and easy to understand. It's important to have a consistent placement so that it looks like the same direction. Make the user or the audience feel impressed. and easier to remember the website Who has used graphics in the navigation system? You'll also need to choose graphics that are meaningful as well.
6. Website quality
A good website has to be of quality. both what appears on the website Whether it's graphics, type of fonts, images or colors used. Displayed content If the website has quality, it will build credibility. And it's a feature that makes most people interested as well. Therefore, do not neglect the quality.
7. Ease of Access
The website should be comfortable for the users as well. That is, it must be displayed on all operating systems. Whether it's a web browser, computer, notebook or on a mobile phone. More importantly, it must have a display resolution and be able to use it without any problems.
8. Design Consistency
Website design should be consistent in design. By creating a website with the same scheme. And the content has been carefully compiled. make the website reliable and look quality It helps to impress the users as well.
9. Consistency of work
The working system on the website must be stable. and can be used well In addition to the design of the work system to be modern and creative It must always be checked. Because if there is an abnormality in the usage system, it will be able to solve the problem in time. In addition, the design may be updated to be more modern frequently. To make users feel fun using the website.
👉🏻 Website structure layout
Website structure design Can be done in a variety of ways Which depends on the preferences and aptitudes of each person. It also depends on the target audience you want to present. Because it must be designed to suit the use of the target audience as much as possible. The structure of most websites consists of 4 forms as follows:
1. Sequential structure
Sort website structure It is a simple structure that is most commonly used. Because it is easy to organize information. and can present the story in sequence very well Suitable for smaller websites Has simple content Most of them are educational websites. or small corporate website By the nature of the content link It will link to each page. There is a direction to enter various content in a straight line. Use the forward-backward button to set the direction. Thus making use of it is easy. But the sequential website structure has its drawbacks. That is, it will cause users to waste time entering the content because they cannot set the direction of entering the content by themselves.
2. Hierarchical structure
hierarchical structure Commonly used for complex information web sites. To make it easier to access information, the content will be divided into sections. and presenting the details descending This makes it easier to understand the content structure. It will have a home page as a starting point. and a single common point that leads to the content linking in descending order.
3. Tabular structure
Tabular structure It is a complex website design structure. But it has some degree of flexibility. To make it easier for users to access different content, this design will link the content in each section to each other. allowing users to change directions Or you can set the direction to enter the content yourself. therefore do not waste time It also makes the website more modern.
4. Spider web structure
spider web structure It is a very popular structure. because it is the most flexible All web pages are linked to each other. Make it accessible to different web pages that you want easily and have more freedom In addition, it can link to external websites as well.
👉🏻 Important information that should be available on the website.
One purpose of creating a website It's to attract people's attention. So what is indispensable? It's the key information that people tend to expect when they visit websites, including:
- Product details which is the actual detail
- Information about the company or the place of production - sale
- Contact information such as trust, phone number, other contact methods
- Various progress news or interesting updates
- Various popular questions
👉🏻 Website structure design
website structure is to organize the content of the website into a map that is easy to understand. What content do you want the website to have? Where is the web page? Which pages will be linked to each other? or to put it simply It is like planning a storyline before writing the content to come out perfectly. Therefore, the design of the website structure is very important. which can be done in a variety of ways but there are main ideas The two most popular formats are:
- Structured by content groups (Content-based Structure)
- Organize the structure according to the audience (User-based Structure)
👉🏻 Website Design What needs to be taken into account
A good website design takes many things into consideration. Here are 9 main things to keep in mind:
- simplicity A good website should have a simple and uncomplicated layout. so that the audience can use the website more conveniently especially those graphics It must not be a character that is constantly moving. And there are no colors that look too harsh on the eyes.
Consistency is the choice of style, graphics, color schemes, and decorations or impressions. on the website to be of the same or similar format throughout the web
- uniqueness The website should be unique. that can indicate the company Organizations or brands
- Content by the content that is put on the web It should be relevant to the web. Or it could be content that is useful, useful, able to attract people's attention as well. And most importantly, it must be accurate. complete and modern
- Navigation system Should be designed to be easy to use and convenient. various meanings and clearly explained including must have a form and the order of the list is consistent
- Features This section is considered the face of the website in order to attract customers. May design the features of the website to meet the preferences of the majority of the target audience. or design to be related to the type of web and the quality of elements on the web
- Unlimited usage Making a website to support access from multiple systems Whether accessing from a PC, smartphone or using various browsers. to access
- Quality in design It is necessary to make the website as high as possible. whether it is in the matter of carefully arranging the content Validation and ensuring website credibility
- Links to various links which must link to a physical web page and have related content and should always be checked whether the linking system continues to function normally and is accurate
👉🏻 Important components on a web page that must have
on web page There are three essential components that must be present:
1. The header of the page (Header)
It's at the top of the page and is the most important part. It must be able to attract the audience to feel like following the content on the website. Most of them tend to have graphics to look beautiful. The main ones are the logo, the website title and the main menu that can link to the content on different web pages.
2. Part of the content (Body)
It's in the middle of the web page. It shows you a rough overview of web content. This will include text, graphics, data tables, or videos. And if there is a specific menu, it will be organized on this page as well. And most importantly, the content in this section should be concise, easy to understand, using simple and organized fonts.
3. Footer
at the bottom of the web page which may or may not be This section lists various information. Added, for example, text that represents copyright. website owner information Contact methods and recommendations about the proper use of the website, etc.
👉🏻How to Choose Colors for Website Design
The choice of color for your website design is extremely important. Because colors can set moods. senses and stimulates the perception of the human mind as well Therefore, the colors used must be consistent with the content and purpose of the web. How do you want visitors to feel about the content they read? The form of color that the human eye can see is divided into 3 groups as follows.
- Warm colors are the colors of warmth. Comforting and stimulating happiness well This will make visitors feel more alive and motivated. It also helps to attract more viewers to want to follow the content.
- Cool colors are the colors of politeness and gentleness. Make the audience feel more relaxed and enjoy. It can also be used to influence from a distance.
- Neutral Colors These colors are often mixed with other colors. to create a more neutral color and feel natural
Colors can convey the emotion and meaning of a website. clearly Therefore, if the color selection is not appropriate for the content or purpose of the web. It will make the web look unattractive. Lack of credibility and makes people who used to use the service do not think to come back to use the service again.
👉🏻Benefits of color in various forms
- Help to induce the reader to be interested in the content at some point. Some positions on the web page And makes readers feel more interested in following the content in the area where we use the color set. which must choose the color carefully And it is a color that can highlight the distinctiveness of the content in that section well. Most of them prefer to use color to induce new information. special promotion or content in parts that are not interested, etc.
- Helps to link information with unobtrusive relationships with each other. in order not to allow readers to overlook some of the information Because the use of color in this way will make the reader feel that the content area of the same color. should be equally important.
- Help to divide the content of different areas apart in order to understand more about which parts of the content. in which part Used to link content of the same color together. It is a separation of content with different colors. clearly separated
- Helps to attract the attention of the audience well Make viewers feel more interested and want to follow the content on the website. And make them want to come back to use the website many times, but at the same time if the color is not appropriate. It will make the audience lose interest and want to visit other websites more.
- Stimulates a feeling of response from the audience. Because each person has a very special feeling associated with certain colors. If the colors used are related to them They will be more interested in the web.
- Help to organize the various messages, making the text, the content look more proportional.
In addition to the color will help in the design as well. It can also promote the identity of organizations or agencies by using the corporate color as the main color of the website. However, designing about color is not an easy task. Therefore, the design should be analyzed as carefully as possible.
👉🏻Responsive Web Design
Responsive is a way of designing websites to accommodate any device screen size. Whether it's computers, notebooks, smartphones and tablets. Because these devices all have different screen sizes. Therefore, it is necessary to design a website that works on all screen sizes at once.
👉🏻Why Responsive Design?
Responsive Web Design is a website development that is getting very popular nowadays. It aims to make it as easy as possible for users to use. and saves time The cost of developing a website can be good. Because website development in this format uses only one source code. but can adjust the display to suit different devices effectively For the techniques used in making Responsive Web Design is JavaScript and CSS3, which makes the website easier to access. And regardless of the screen size or the type of device used to access the web.
👉🏻Benefits of making a Responsive Web Design website
- Google Index can be installed on both desktop and mobile on one page, that's because it's a website that has been certified by Google.
- Supports all devices with just one site don't have to do multiple pages and not make the server too heavy
- Save time and cost of doing As a result, website development is faster.
- Quick and hassle-free website maintenance and management
- No need to waste time with Redirect to find a mobile page
- Can do SEO through Mobile easily because most of Googlebot-mobile will focus on the web that supports Mobile devices directly.
- Mobile search is easier than ever.
👉🏻 Disadvantages of Responsive Web Design
Although Responsive Web Design is useful and easy to use on any device. But there are still some disadvantages. That is, it can cause problems in use, such as some unnecessary data being loaded. though normally it should be hidden or in the matter of Image Resizing that needs to load the same image as the image displayed on the Desktop, thus causing unnecessary wasting time These problems tend to occur frequently.
👉🏻ข้อจำกัดของการทำ Responsive Web Design
In addition to the aforementioned disadvantages, Responsive Web Design has its limitations as well.
- Websites made up of Flash are strictly prohibited!! Because some devices do not support Flash applications such as iPhone and iPad, which will cause a jam in use.
- There are some limitations in website design. Because websites in this format can be designed as a box or block only if you want to design it to look strange, it will not be possible. or difficult and very complicated
- Highly difficult to edit Therefore, it is important to plan well and think carefully before designing. so that there is no need to go back and edit later
- Programming must use HTML 5 system only.
- When writing a website Must test to see if it can be used on all devices or not. If not it will need to be corrected.
Responsive web design has some limitations. But because today's technology is developing new every day. Therefore, the website must be designed to support modern use always. and to be able to use it most appropriately
👉🏻 Design your website to be reliable
website creation Especially a website for selling online. The most important thing is to design a website that is credible, primarily in designing the website to look credible and ultimately successful. It must contain these things.
1. Modernity
A good website, attractive and able to motivate customers to have more courage to order products on the web page. is modern Therefore, the web design should always be up-to-date. and keep modifying the layout of the web page or updating the product Information at all times to keep the website up to date It doesn't look like a website that has been abandoned too.
2. Art
Art is something that will help capture the attention of the audience as well. Whether it's the use of colors or playing patterns. Therefore, the web should be made to look like a work of art. that can convey emotions to the audience well And it indicates the uniqueness of products and services very well. However, the colors used in the design should be harmonious and not too cluttered. The key is to clearly meet the target audience.
3. Have clear seller information
How reliable will the website be? Depends on the seller's information that is complete And how true is the information? by the main information Required is the name of the company, address, telephone number, store map, fax (if any) and other communication channels. that can be contacted easily and quickly In addition, if commercial registration is ready and there is clear evidence It will build more credibility and confidence for customers.
4. Don't focus on hard selling too much.
If there are too many advertisements or Pop ups on the website page. It can make the audience feel bored and annoyed. Especially if those ads come up to cover the part of the content that customers are interested in. It also includes a contact form with the store. It should not be designed to be on the main web page. Because if the customer is interested, they will go to the contact page and fill out the form themselves. Therefore, Hard Sell should be used to be the most appropriate.
5. Refer to the opening period.
A website that has been open for a long time. It will build more credibility with the audience. because most customers will adhere to the belief that A website or shop that has been selling products for a long time is often a website that doesn't cheat. Referring to how long it has been in service should refer to the facts Not just opened for a month. but claimed to be 10 years
6. The font is outstanding, easy to read.
The font used must be distinctive and easily readable. By choosing a font of the right size. They are scaled down in order of topic. Use prominently visible font colors. and choose the font that is the most standard for weird fonts That may look beautiful and strange but difficult to read for the general public should not be used at all.
7. Always update or present information.
Websites that are not updated at all are often viewed as abandoned and made. clearly state the purpose Most people tend to read the information on the website in passing. and do not like to read information that is too long Therefore, in the content Process of ordering, payment, waiting for various products. It should be written in a concise manner and clearly describes the purpose as possible, such as wanting to make a website. If interested, click here. (Include a link to the ordering page so that customers can click onto the web page according to the purpose) or if there is any promotion, tell it clearly without any circumstance, which clearly indicates the purpose of this It will let customers know immediately what the seller wants to convey. And if you want to buy and want a promotion, what should you do? With this clarity, customers will be impressed and want to buy more products from the shop.
8. Spelling the letters correctly
Although nowadays it is reputed to be the era where Thai language has been destroyed. Due to the fact that more and more people are starting to use foreign language social media, but making a website You should still focus on spelling the letters to be as accurate as possible. And it must be beautiful, readable, with proper spacing and look neat as well. especially if it's in English It must be written correctly according to grammar and grammar. It will help build confidence for customers who come to see the information on the website as well.
9. State your objective clearly.
Most people tend to read the information on the website in passing. and do not like to read information that is too long Therefore, in the content Process of ordering, payment, waiting for various products. It should be written in a concise manner and clearly describes the purpose as possible, such as wanting to make a website. If interested, click here. (Include a link to the ordering page so that customers can click onto the web page according to the purpose) or if there is any promotion, tell it clearly without any circumstance, which clearly indicates the purpose of this It will let customers know immediately what the seller wants to convey. And if you want to buy and want a promotion, what should you do? With this clarity, customers will be impressed and want to buy more products from the shop.
10. Refer to those who have used the service.
Referrals to people who have used the service It will help build confidence for customers very well. Customer reviews may be referenced and captured on the web page. or open to customers to review independently By telling the experience of using the products of the shop how good it is. Plus, if it's a reference to a star user, it will attract more customers.
11. Represents the award that has been received.
If the store has received an award before Whether it's an award for an outstanding store or something that can show its credibility. to be displayed on the web page Because these awards will tell about the presence of the store. and make the store more reliable In addition, if there is good news about their business. It is recommended to be displayed on the website as well.
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