Can't change date format in Excel

Can't change date format in Excel
A problem that is frequently encountered when printing work in our Excel program is that the date text cannot be formatted. Some information can be changed, but some information cannot be changed. Because we typed the date in the wrong format. The solution is not difficult at all. You can follow this article.
The main specified formats
ENG - This format uses the typing method. Month/Day/Year (e.g. 12/31/2222) will be read as December 31, 2222.
THAI - This format uses the typing method. Day/Month/Year (e.g. 31/12/2222) will be read as December 31, 2222.
We can check it ourselves by typing =Today( ) to check the date details of our work. The system will display the results as Day/Month/Year
How to format
Window 7 - Press Control Panel settings, select the Clock menu - Language and Region, Region menu, press Format as Thai.
Window 10 - Press Settings, select the Clock and Time menu - add the date, time and set the region, Region menu, press Format to Thai.
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