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Get to know Lean Canvas, a quick business plan builder❗

Get to know Lean Canvas, a quick business plan builder❗

Get to know Lean Canvas, a quick business plan builder❗

Lean Canvas is a tool to help startups get a quick overview of their business. It's like writing a quick business plan. Knowing the key factors to focus on covering all the relevant elements of building a business To make sure that the businesses they create are truly responsive to consumers, the Lean Canvas features nine grids for teams to help brainstorm. and see the overall business in the same direction

🔸Lean Canvas consists of

1. Customer Segments

The first factor in Lean Canvas is to identify your target audience. That is to identify all groups of consumers who are potential customers of the organization. Our focus will be on the most likely to transition first, which is Early Adoption. For example, Terebinth Cloud's Customer Segment, ERP is a group of SME customers developing their business, with Early Adoption being. who are looking for an organization management program, accounting program, etc.

2. Problems

It identifies all of the customer group problems that we have identified in Section 1 that they are trying to resolve. To understand what the main customer problems are that cause customers to want to buy or switch to our products and services. including other options It is necessary to identify Problems in Lean Canvas because it is to develop products and services based on understanding the problems of target consumers.

3. Unique Value Proposition

When we know our customers and the problems of our customers. The following sections describe the strengths of our products and services. Which we have to specify are features (Features) and utilities (Benefits) that meet the needs of our target customers as well, for example, it is an ERP system that is economical but covers all customer business processes, etc.


This step involves analyzing and brainstorming to identify a company's approach or approach that can solve existing customer problems. which must be consistent with customer problems (Problems) in Part 2 as well, for example, a flexible ERP system can be applied to all types of business operations.

5. Channels

Is to identify channels through which we can bring products and services or communicate the value of products and services to target customers, for example through SEO marketing with keywords that target customers use to find solutions to solve their problems or various showcases that Can be issued or Direct Sales, etc.

6. Revenue Stream

Identify the revenue stream, which includes the pricing mechanism of goods and services. It identifies every possible source of income for the company. Whether it is income from product sales, service fees, membership fees, maintenance fees, etc.

7. Cost Structure

is the cost structure Specify the total cost of the company. Both in terms of fixed costs (Fix Cost), such as office rent. employee salary and variable costs such as operating costs, water and electricity costs, brochures for presentations, investment in sales pitch, etc.

8. Key Metrics

It is an important factor or metric that can determine what will make a company successful or unsuccessful. and whether there is an opportunity to grow in the future, such as the number of products sold each month Number of customers who signed-up, number of customers who canceled the contract, etc.

9. Unfair Advantage

Advantages or strengths of a company that stands out from its competitors in the market and must be difficult to imitate This may include techniques or resources that the organization has.

🔸 Lean Canvas table is divided into 2 sides

Product side

- Problem (problem) at least 3 problems from the customer's point of view.

- Solution (solution) method or approach to solve the customer's problem

- Key Metrics (Key Metrics) indicators that indicate whether our business is successful or not.

- Cost Structure (cost structure) the cost of various expenses that we have to use

Market side

- Unfair Advantage (advantage) The advantage compared to other competitors.

- Channels (channels to contact customers) communication channels to build relationships.

- Customer Segments (target customers) characteristics of target customers

- Revenue Stream (revenue stream) income that customers are willing to pay us.

🔸Lean Canvas Fast Business Plan Writing

Now that we can identify all 9 elements in full. As you can see, writing a short Lean Canvas business plan gives startups a quick overview of their organization. Writing a Lean Canvas business plan should be able to be completed in 20-30 minutes.


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