good website elements What should be there ❓

good website elements What should be there ❓
The website page is the most important part of the website ever. Because the web page is the first thing that will make the audience First Impression, which if the first impression does not occur. It can be difficult for viewers to continue browsing other sections, so the homepage will be the deciding factor in keeping them on the web. Or decide to close the web page at all. Homepage design is therefore very important. Today we will take a look at what a good Homepage should have.
Website is an important tool for doing business online. In addition to the beauty that must be considered There are still elements to make a good website. that the website owner should know because it can be used to develop and improve the website of everyone many more But what things do webmasters have to consider? Follow the answer in this article.
1. There must be a clear keyword and must be set to the right words so that Google can read our web page and show results in searches as well.
2. Categorize them in an orderly fashion. It will make it easier to use for visitors to the website. Make the web page friendly to the user itself.
3. Build credibility as much as possible from designing a beautiful website easy to read information Have a clear communication channel. Identify yourself. It can be statistical information or numbers that are easy to understand.
4. Content must not be too much, not too little. to be convinced to be interested in choosing a product or service Because the content affects the decision to buy goods and services with it.
Use a picture or video to accompany it. For the purpose of reading and increasing the understanding of the website visitors And it is also a decoration of the website to be readable as well.
6. Have a CTA or push button to have some action on our products or services. And it is also a part of SEO by counting Google clicks.
7. Guaranteed reliability If your work has won an award or has been guaranteed in the work with a large number of users That's what it takes to show visitors that your product or service is trustworthy. And it definitely works well. This content will build trust with users as well.
8. Guaranteed work with social media or real users Guaranteed work with real users Or social media that describes your product or product is a great tool to build trust. and confidence to the visitors In the case of a real user example You should also include a link to the home page to view the actual work.
9. Offer some interesting content. Putting some interesting content on your homepage can help you keep your audience on the web. which that content It has to be content that meets the needs of those who click on it, such as educational articles. or techniques Including reviews from real users as well
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