How to create a brochure with PowerPoint?

How to create a brochure with PowerPoint?
You have been tasked with creating a brochure for an upcoming project or event. However, you have no idea how to create such a document, even considering the fact that you can use it. power point And you've never been a "wizard" about using it. Don't worry - in my guide you'll find all the information you need to create handouts with PowerPoint.
How to create a brochure with PowerPoint on your PC but still in the file mobile phone Additionally, if you work on a PC, I'll explain how to use the classic desktop and web versions of PowerPoint, which are free, although they have some limitations. In any case, I will explain how to proceed using the predefined templates available in the online office database and create a brochure from scratch.
How to create a brochure in PowerPoint step-by-step
Import predefined templates
The easiest way to create a brochure with Microsoft PowerPoint is to download one of the predefined Office templates that you can find in Microsoft's online database. You have two ways to complete this procedure: Templates directly from PowerPoint or download from the Office site.
In the first case, all you have to do is start. power point on your PC and select the item New. At this point, use the search bar at the top to write the word " Brochures »And you will see different search results, which you can filter by selecting the category Brochures. Sure, in the list shown on the right. When you find the model you like the most, click on it and press the button. Created to download and use in PowerPoint.
As an alternative to the method that I specified in the previous paragraph, you can proceed directly from the web through the relevant section of the Microsoft website. After reaching the link that I have provided, scroll down the screen and find the model you like. The best by choosing a model that has a label. power point
When you find the template you want to use for the brochure, click on it and on the page you will press the button. Download to download the file to your PC. At this point, just go to the folder where the presentation file was downloaded and double-click to open it with PowerPoint.
The default Office template already has most of the items to use. The only action you need to take is to personalize the information about the project you need to take on.
Therefore, you only need to replace the preview text and images so that they correspond to the work you need to do. For edit you need to click on the text - you will be able to delete content, replace and format it correctly with all available tools.
However, for pictures, once selected, delete them using the appropriate key on the keyboard ( Remove o Decrement ) and add new ones with the button Photo. Within this tab you will find Format, which can help you add other decorative elements such as colored squares to use as dividers or other elements that can help decorate your brochure.
When you are finished with your work, click on the tab. File or files at the top and select Save from the latter to save the changes you made to the file. Press on Print to immediately perform a test print. If you want to make additional customization changes to your model first, I recommend that you refer to the instructions in the next chapter.
Create a new brochure
If the predefined Office templates don't suit your taste, you can try creating a project from scratch using after starting Click New PowerPoint and press the New Presentation button.
Now the first thing you should do is go to the card. landscape at the top and enable Grid. These features allow you to place project elements in an orderly manner without the risk of inaccuracy.
Once done, go to the Design tab and select the item Slide Size > Custom Slide Size. In the displayed panel you can choose the format of the brochure, its size in terms of width and height, and the orientation of the slides - this is important to correctly set up the project, especially if you want to print brochures. Sure
After the project base has been configured, it's time to break down the sheet's composition, taking into account the different parts it will contain. In other words, it is necessary to divide the slide into equal pages in order to later insert all the information that the brochure must contain.
Select Insert at top and go through Shapes. Select one simple línea and trace it on the slide vertically. After you've drawn all the lines and gotten all the sections of the brochure, it's time to duplicate the slide.
This step is important to avoid manually creating sections on each slide and therefore encountering errors. In fact, you can have a ready base to fill out all the information on the back of the brochure. Then right-click on the Miniature of the brochure located in the sidebar and select the Duplicate Slide item from the context menu.
Now that you've created the structure of your project, it's time to insert all the decorative elements, text, and images that your brochure will contain. You can access these elements through the Insert tab.
Every time you add these elements to a slide, the tabs become available. An image in which you can customize the selected elements. For example, for geometric shapes, you can change their color or arrange them on the slide. However, once you type text in the appropriate area, you can use the tools on the Casa tab to change the format.
Create a brochure with PowerPoint Online
If you don't have Microsoft PowerPoint on your desktop, you can use the web version of PowerPoint to create your brochure. In the next chapter, I'll show you how to import predefined Office templates and how to create new projects from scratch using PowerPoint Online, which is available free of charge when signed in with any Microsoft account.
Import predefined templates
If you want to speed up creating brochures with PowerPoint Online, all you should do is select one of the templates available in the Office database. To do this, go to the section of the Microsoft website in the Brochure templates section where you can see Among all the examples shown, identify those with the label. power point and choose the one you like the most and then click on it.
On the new page that appears, press the button. Change in your browser to start PowerPoint Online. If you aren't already signed in with a Microsoft account, enter your email address and associated password in the appropriate fields. On the other hand, if you don't have an account yet, you can easily create one by following the instructions I have provided in this guide.
At this point you will see a warning on the screen and you will need to press the Next button to import the model to your OneDrive cloud (the Microsoft cloud storage service on which Office online services depend). storage) and start editing. PowerPoint Online is very similar to the desktop version: although it doesn't have many different features in the web version. But you can use all the features I've listed in this tutorial to delete or replace the images and text your brochure should contain. You can find all the elements to be inserted in the Photo, Format y Text box.
When you're finished working on a project, know that you don't need to save it, as any changes will be automatically saved to OneDrive. In case you want to print a brochure, select the article File > Print from the top menu, while If you want to download a copy of the project on your PC, go to the File > Save Copy item and press the Save Copy button.
Create a new online brochure
If you want to create a new brochure from scratch in PowerPoint Online, click the button. New, empty presentation Show it on the main screen of the service and wait for the project to load. You will see a blank slide where you can add all the information related to your brochure.
First, set the size of your slide by selecting the Layout > Slide Format > Custom Slide Size element. From the top menu In the box that appears, configure the page size and orientation.
Once you're done, you'll need to insert the separation lines (Insert > Shapes > Lines) of the different parts of your brochure. Unfortunately, rulers and grid lines aren't available in the web version, which I told you about in the chapter about desktop software, so you'll have to keep your eyes peeled. PowerPoint Online has a suggested layout for finding points. center of slide
The project does not require you to save it, as it happens automatically in OneDrive. However, you can export a copy to your PC by selecting the top item File> Save a copy and then pressing the button Save a copy. However, to print, select the item File> print
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