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How to make a wedding card in Microsoft Word

  How to make a wedding card in Microsoft Word  Nowadays, we edit pictures to post on social networks. It is very common. When it comes to the wedding card Many of you may want to try designing your own. For people who are not very familiar with programs like Adobe illustrator or Photoshop, today we would like to present a method. Design your own wedding card With a simple program like Microsoft Word that we are familiar with. In addition to helping save costs It is also a pride and good memories for our important day.  Custom wedding card design What do you consider? - type First, we have to think about what our wedding card will be like. Currently, it is popular to be a single sheet of paper with two sides, but some people want to make it like a greeting card that can be folded and opened with a message inside. But today I would like to recommend it as a single sheet.  - size Wedding card sizes are either 4 inches x 6 inches or 5 inches x 7 inches, but I admit that most of what I see are 5 x 7 inches.  - Theme There is nothing fixed about the theme for a wedding card. Some people will choose colors that match the theme of the wedding. But some people aren't right, there's nothing wrong with that. As for the patterns, they are different. Most people like the flower picture. But we can use other formats. Some people like the bride and groom cartoon style. Or some people like geometric patterns like diamonds. Or some people just have plain colors with marble patterns or artistic colored stripes, which is chic in another way.  - message The message in the wedding card in both English and Thai can be read from the article. wedding card message Both Thai language and English  Prepare your information and let's get started. Steps to design your own wedding card using Microsoft Word Find a beautiful background picture and prepare it first. As I said, whatever style of card you like, prepare a picture. We will prepare a picture of a sweet old rose colored flower on one edge like this. The important thing is to find a picture that has enough resolution. It doesn't break when we print it out. For example, a 5×7 inch card should have a resolution of at least 900 x 1260, but ideally, get 1500 x 2100 or higher.  Create a new document (New) and settings. Open Microsoft Word and create a new document (1) as a Blank document (2).  Click on New –> Blank Document. The screen will appear on paper. This is usually A4 size, so you need to adjust the page size to match the size of your card first. which we will make size 5×7 inches  Adjust paper size Click on Layout –> Size –> More page size (bottom topic). A window will appear for us to enter numbers like in the picture below.  Set the width (Width) to 5″ and the height (Height) to 7″. You will get a vertical card. But if anyone wants it horizontal, enter the numbers in alternating boxes, making it a height of 5″ and a width of 7″ or you can put it in as before. But you can change the Orientation.  Set Margin Because our cards are not like A4 documents that we need white borders. Most of us want to include pictures. Fill the card with color. Therefore, we must remove the edges first by  Click on Layout –> Margin –> Change all numbers in the circled fields to zero.  At this point, some machines will have a warning message saying Some margins are outside the printable area. Try moving those margin inside the printable area (warning that some areas may not be printable. which is mostly the part that is stuck to the edge of the paper) press Ignore.  Note: If you want to print it yourself You should check first that your printer can print Borderless, because if it can't, The image will still have edges.  add background We have already prepared the page. Let's put in the picture that we prepared. Click Insert –> Picture –> Choose the picture you want.  It is recommended that some people have encountered a problem with the "bounce" of the image when creating a document in Word. The images we insert bounce around and move here so that we can arrange the images in the position we want. It is recommended to set Wrap text to Behind text.  After that, we try to arrange our images in the way we like. It is recommended to try rotating it around. Try copying and pasting the image into several overlapping images. Or place them opposite each other, tilt the image back and forth, or even place it so that only part of the paper is exposed. It makes it chic in another way as well. For ours, try arranging the flowers into the top and bottom corners as in the picture below.  Enter text Once the picture has been arranged It's time to enter text. We'll start by making the front of the card first. which will be written in English It is not recommended to type letters straight down because it will be difficult for us to position the letters. If we create a text box (Text Box), we will be able to arrange the position of the text more easily.  Click Insert –> Textbox –> Select Simple text box.  Move the Text Box to the center and type your message. The beauty lies in the font we choose. Depending on the style, we like the writing, typography, and italics in the way we like. Choose to have the letters lined up in the middle. And don't forget to change the text color to match our background image. It will all look harmonious.  Note : Font in the picture, the general text is Gabiola, and the bride and groom's names are Lucida Handwriting, which is already included with Word.  Tips: There are 2 ways to arrange line spacing: - If there is a blank line that we tapped We may use a method to adjust the font size of that blank line. For example, in our picture between “Jack” and “Request the honor….” there is a blank line. that if we adjust the font size of that line to be large There's a lot of space. But if adjusted to be small The gap will be smaller. - Or Highlight the lines that we want to adjust the space between lines. Then go click Home -> symbol as shown in the picture below. Then choose the distance that we want.  Save Once you have one page, don't forget to save it. If you are printing it yourself and using the same computer where you designed the card, you can save it in normal Word. But if you are going to have someone else print it for you, Or if you move a computer, it is recommended to save it as a pdf so that when we move machines and Word is a different version or has a different font, the card we designed will not change into a different shape according to the version of each machine.  Click File –> Save as –> Choose a location to save (such as Desktop, drive C, etc.) –> Name the file –> In the Save as type field, select pdf –> Save.  behind Next, we'll continue working on the back side. We'll start as usual, creating a new document and setting up the pages. Place wallpaper If you want to place it differently from the front, you can. Or you can use different pictures, whichever you like. But today we will have the same picture and the same arrangement as before. But there will be a text box overlaid so that you can write more text than in front.  This time the text box will have a white background (when making the front of our text box there is no background color so that the entire flower pattern can be seen) and because it is the back, we will show the text box. So I added some more features by decorating the text box.  After that we can set the border of the text box in various ways. Ours is a solid line, which is a line that has the same color throughout. and then select a double line Then we can set various settings as we like. It is recommended that you don't forget to change the color to match the background image.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interested in online marketing care services | online marketing | complete graphics | can contact us anytime | brand building | online marketing | online marketing plan | brand building | Facebook fan page care | Take care of LINE OA. You can contact us 24 hours a day.   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How to make a wedding card in Microsoft Word

Nowadays, we edit pictures to post on social networks. It is very common. When it comes to the wedding card Many of you may want to try designing your own. For people who are not very familiar with programs like Adobe illustrator or Photoshop, today we would like to present a method. Design your own wedding card With a simple program like Microsoft Word that we are familiar with. In addition to helping save costs It is also a pride and good memories for our important day.

Custom wedding card design What do you consider?

- type

First, we have to think about what our wedding card will be like. Currently, it is popular to be a single sheet of paper with two sides, but some people want to make it like a greeting card that can be folded and opened with a message inside. But today I would like to recommend it as a single sheet.

- size

Wedding card sizes are either 4 inches x 6 inches or 5 inches x 7 inches, but I admit that most of what I see are 5 x 7 inches.

- Theme

There is nothing fixed about the theme for a wedding card. Some people will choose colors that match the theme of the wedding. But some people aren't right, there's nothing wrong with that. As for the patterns, they are different. Most people like the flower picture. But we can use other formats. Some people like the bride and groom cartoon style. Or some people like geometric patterns like diamonds. Or some people just have plain colors with marble patterns or artistic colored stripes, which is chic in another way.

- message

The message in the wedding card in both English and Thai can be read from the article. wedding card message Both Thai language and English

Prepare your information and let's get started.

Steps to design your own wedding card using Microsoft Word

Find a beautiful background picture and prepare it first.

As I said, whatever style of card you like, prepare a picture. We will prepare a picture of a sweet old rose colored flower on one edge like this. The important thing is to find a picture that has enough resolution. It doesn't break when we print it out. For example, a 5×7 inch card should have a resolution of at least 900 x 1260, but ideally, get 1500 x 2100 or higher.

Create a new document (New) and settings.

Open Microsoft Word and create a new document (1) as a Blank document (2).

Click on New –> Blank Document.

The screen will appear on paper. This is usually A4 size, so you need to adjust the page size to match the size of your card first. which we will make size 5×7 inches

Adjust paper size

Click on Layout –> Size –> More page size (bottom topic). A window will appear for us to enter numbers like in the picture below.

Set the width (Width) to 5″ and the height (Height) to 7″. You will get a vertical card. But if anyone wants it horizontal, enter the numbers in alternating boxes, making it a height of 5″ and a width of 7″ or you can put it in as before. But you can change the Orientation.

Set Margin

Because our cards are not like A4 documents that we need white borders. Most of us want to include pictures. Fill the card with color. Therefore, we must remove the edges first by

Click on Layout –> Margin –> Change all numbers in the circled fields to zero.

At this point, some machines will have a warning message saying Some margins are outside the printable area. Try moving those margin inside the printable area (warning that some areas may not be printable. which is mostly the part that is stuck to the edge of the paper) press Ignore.

Note: If you want to print it yourself You should check first that your printer can print Borderless, because if it can't, The image will still have edges.

add background

We have already prepared the page. Let's put in the picture that we prepared.

Click Insert –> Picture –> Choose the picture you want.

It is recommended that some people have encountered a problem with the "bounce" of the image when creating a document in Word. The images we insert bounce around and move here so that we can arrange the images in the position we want. It is recommended to set Wrap text to Behind text.

After that, we try to arrange our images in the way we like. It is recommended to try rotating it around. Try copying and pasting the image into several overlapping images. Or place them opposite each other, tilt the image back and forth, or even place it so that only part of the paper is exposed. It makes it chic in another way as well. For ours, try arranging the flowers into the top and bottom corners as in the picture below.

Enter text

Once the picture has been arranged It's time to enter text. We'll start by making the front of the card first. which will be written in English It is not recommended to type letters straight down because it will be difficult for us to position the letters. If we create a text box (Text Box), we will be able to arrange the position of the text more easily.

Click Insert –> Textbox –> Select Simple text box.

Move the Text Box to the center and type your message. The beauty lies in the font we choose. Depending on the style, we like the writing, typography, and italics in the way we like. Choose to have the letters lined up in the middle. And don't forget to change the text color to match our background image. It will all look harmonious.

Note : Font in the picture, the general text is Gabiola, and the bride and groom's names are Lucida Handwriting, which is already included with Word.

Tips: There are 2 ways to arrange line spacing:

- If there is a blank line that we tapped We may use a method to adjust the font size of that blank line. For example, in our picture between “Jack” and “Request the honor….” there is a blank line. that if we adjust the font size of that line to be large There's a lot of space. But if adjusted to be small The gap will be smaller.

- Or Highlight the lines that we want to adjust the space between lines. Then go click Home -> symbol as shown in the picture below. Then choose the distance that we want.


Once you have one page, don't forget to save it. If you are printing it yourself and using the same computer where you designed the card, you can save it in normal Word. But if you are going to have someone else print it for you, Or if you move a computer, it is recommended to save it as a pdf so that when we move machines and Word is a different version or has a different font, the card we designed will not change into a different shape according to the version of each machine.

Click File –> Save as –> Choose a location to save (such as Desktop, drive C, etc.) –> Name the file –> In the Save as type field, select pdf –> Save.


Next, we'll continue working on the back side. We'll start as usual, creating a new document and setting up the pages. Place wallpaper If you want to place it differently from the front, you can. Or you can use different pictures, whichever you like. But today we will have the same picture and the same arrangement as before. But there will be a text box overlaid so that you can write more text than in front.

This time the text box will have a white background (when making the front of our text box there is no background color so that the entire flower pattern can be seen) and because it is the back, we will show the text box. So I added some more features by decorating the text box.

After that we can set the border of the text box in various ways. Ours is a solid line, which is a line that has the same color throughout. and then select a double line Then we can set various settings as we like. It is recommended that you don't forget to change the color to match the background image.


Interested in online marketing care services | online marketing | complete graphics | can contact us anytime | brand building | online marketing | online marketing plan | brand building | Facebook fan page care | Take care of LINE OA. You can contact us 24 hours a day.

Details of online marketing services

Examples of various brands that we take care of online marketing


💙 Consult our team 💙

📱Tel : 0840104252 📱0947805680

Office Hotline : 034-900-165 , 02-297-0811 (Monday-Friday)


📲 LINE: @chatstick



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