Simple steps. You can do it yourself. Pin restaurants to increase sales with Google My Business ✨

Simple steps. You can do it yourself. Pin restaurants to increase sales with Google My Business ✨
Many restaurant operators ask about the problem of pinning the restaurant on Google Map pinning, how to do it or the store map shown on Google. Map does not match the location where the store is located, how to fix it? So we will tell you the steps on how to pin the shop. and editing various information for friends to see and follow
Having said that, in this era onwards, the fact that the store can be found on social media and on Google Map is one of the necessities. in order to increase the chances of being recognized by people And increase the opportunity for customers, sales follow which, pinning the shop on Google Map to make it easier to find, can be done by using Google My Business. Who hasn't pinned it yet? Let's go and see...
✨ Things you should know before taking action Pin the shop
Signing in to login to Google My Business requires a Gmail email address, so if your business doesn't have a Gmial email address, you need to sign up for Gmail first.
- Type Gmail in the Google search box.
- Select 'Sign Up'
- Complete the information and press confirm.
✨ After we have Gmail, we will start working. Pin the shop You can follow the following steps.
1. Type Google My Business in the Google search box and click on the first one.
2. If you don't have google my business and have never pinned it before, press the word 'manage now' to go into creating a business in Google My Business first. For those who have already built a business, press the word Say "Sign In" to log in.
3. Enter your business name, store name or brand name and press 'Next'.
4. Select Business Category is our business type. for example Startup Now is an educational business. Then choose about Education, etc. For the information in this section, we can change more later. Google encourages us to keep the store information up-to-date. So don't worry.
VERY IMPORTANT: **Selecting a business type We cannot type new words by ourselves. Only need to select from the dropdown available in the system**
5. Choose to show or not show the location of the shop, which is the case that our business has a storefront, showroom, or has an office that is ready to certify customers. Want customers to visit the showroom Come to choose products or come to contact the company We also choose to have the pin show in the google map so that customers can navigate to our storefront or at our office by pressing 'YES'.
But if we don't have a storefront Sell online only or office may not be suitable for customer reception, for example, it is a general office that does not have a reception room or meeting room. In addition, the work may not require customers to come to the office. but use the method to go out to find customers by themselves Like this, we press 'NO' and press 'Next'.
6. Complete the address details. **Must enter correctly and in all fields** In order for the system to automatically pin it as we enter the details and press 'Next'
7. Check the location of our shop or business on the map again. Because in the automatic pinning that Google makes according to the location that we put information There may be some discrepancies. Let us move the pin to pin in the correct position to complete it. **If you can't see clearly You can press the plus sign to zoom the position**
After checking, click 'Next' to continue.
8. The “off-site service” option means that, in some businesses, the nature of delivery is provided. The restaurant will not only sit and eat in the restaurant. There may be a delivery service. or selling furniture with delivery in certain areas such as to the customer's place or other places as agreed with the customer, such as cleaning - air conditioning repair Catering service, Chinese table setting, etc.
9. Determine service area You can do this by typing in the location such as country, province, position, etc. and select from drop down again, but here it is Optional, we can add it or not. Because at present, most businesses that sell products that are open online can be delivered nationwide or internationally. You can click 'Next' to go.
10. Enter the contact information of our business such as phone number, website, etc. If we have a website We let you put it as a URL, but if you don't have a website yet, just press 'I don't need a website' and press 'Next'.
11. Schedule for receiving news from Google is that Google wants to send news to us via email. If we do not want to receive any updates or advertisements from Google, we can opt out and press ‘Next’.
12. Press 'Finish' to save the data into the system.
13. After saving the basic data The system will suggest that we enter additional shop or business information. Starting from setting the date and time of service. This is to facilitate those who search. Kwan advises everyone to fill in the correct information completely. So that when customers want to call to inquire or come to the shop, they will not waste their time. Then check the information before pressing save.
14. Include an introductory description of the business, which is a brief description of what our business is about. What products or services are there, who are they suitable for, etc.?
Note that the introductory description field is limited to 750 characters. So the correct way to write an introductory description is It must be written in a comprehensive, concise, easy-to-understand manner and must encourage the purchase decision as well. So that when the target audience searches and sees the results of the business, we will want to click to visit our website or contact us. This will help us close the sale more easily.
15. We can add more photos related to our business, storefront, product or brand. Or maybe put it as a logo to create recognition. Which in this section is Optional, which means you can put it or not.
However, there are some businesses that Kwan recommends that you need to include photos, such as restaurants, coffee shops, cafes, bakeries, tourist attractions, hotel rooms, resorts. This is a business where images can greatly influence customer decisions. whether to contact or enter the store or not
Therefore, in addition to having to post pictures Kwan suggested that the picture below must be selected to be beautiful, attractive, the food looks delicious, the atmosphere is good, the rooms are stylish. This will be able to increase the chances of closing more sales.
The method of inserting a photo is very easy, just press 'Add Photo' and select the image that is on our computer, then press 'Next'. We don't have a suitable photo yet, you can click 'Skip' first. Then we can come back to update the information and pictures later.
16. The system informs us that we can change the information. Including updating more information at any time, press 'Continue'
You are done with this step. We can take a break for now and edit more later. Or to edit it completely, it takes less than 10 minutes. If you want to do it now, press 'Get Started'.
17. The system will bring us to the Dashboard page of Google My Business where we can set other additional settings such as Add photo, add additional store information. Edit, update store information, edit name, address, etc. To edit, press the word 'Info' on the left menu bar. Including we can add a preliminary product as well. by entering it in the Services field
Interesting and worth paying attention to is that in the left menu bar, there is the word 'Insight', meaning store insights. That shows how many times after we've pinned our store in Google My Business, Google has shown our store in relevant searches. How many times have people searched for the name of our store business? There are people who search for the same business as us by Location Search (eg Thonglor coffee shop Rangsit restaurant) in the area that we have pinned, how many, etc.
There is also a 'Reviews' menu where we can allow merchants to review our store or business to help increase their credibility. If our reviews get a good rating, new customers will come to us more without having to pay for advertising at all.
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