What is 404 Not Found❓

What is 404 Not Found?
404 page not found is the page that Googlebot collects and does not find the URL on our web, or the page that shows File not found means there is no file of that page at the server itself. Regarding Crawl Error (Crawl Error)
There are many reasons that cause page not found page, for example:
- Make a new website on the old domain, resulting in the URL that was indexed by Google of the old website disappears.
- The URL has been changed from Thai to English or from English to Thai.
- It's the URL that comes from the theme demo. If we're building a website with WordPress, most of the time we start by pulling the theme demo. to use first But it can take months for us to complete the website. As a result, the URL of the demo page is indexed by Google. When the page is deleted, a 404 page not found will occur immediately.
🔹404 Not Found, how did this happen?
Error 404 problems occur frequently. And sometimes we don't even know that our website has an Error, plus it is caused by our own handiwork as well.
- Rename URL
If your website is edited or change the content of the website to other matters I want to change the URL name to match the content of the page.
When you rename a URL to a new name, the old link becomes a broken link. No matter where you put the old link on the website. Or ranked on Google, people who click on it will see an Error 404 page.
Changing the link name from Thai to English or English to Thai can also damage the link. So before naming each URL, think carefully.
- Delete the page
Error 404 problems occur frequently with E-Commerce websites when we change the sales model. If the product is discontinued or (permanently) discontinued, many people delete the product page, and the missing web page or link becomes a broken link.
🔹How do we know that Which website page has Error 404?
- Google Search Console
Using Google Search Console, you must first submit your website URL. If this is your first time submitting a URL, it may take 1 to 2 days for Google to process the information.
when it can be used Let us choose the website that we want to review and go to “Index” > click on “Coverage”.
The system will display errors that occur within our website. Go down below to see details of the error, click on “Sent URL not found (404) ”.
The system tells us which links on our site are 404 Page not found.
- Ubersuggest SEO tool from neilpatel.com
How to use Ubersuggest is very simple, you just copy the website link, paste it and hit Search, the system will analyze your website completely. It takes about 3 minutes, depending on how much content on the website.
When the analysis is complete Let us scroll down to the bottom of the website. on the part of the problem Let us click on “SEE ALL ISSUES” to see all issues. Then the system will tell which page of the website that Error 4XX is.
If you've encountered an Error 404 page, the next thing you should do is notify your company's Web Devoloper.
Error 404 page is a problem that you should not ignore. And so that your customers don't have to find a boring 404 Page not found page, all we have to do is Make the new 404 Page not found more attractive!
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