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What is Corporate Identity (CI) ❓ Why should every brand have it and how to create a CI

What is Corporate Identity (CI) ❓ Why should every brand have it and how to create a CI that people remember?  Have you ever wondered? What makes us remember a famous brand? For example, we can remember this brand. We see a color like this and we think of the brand first. Logo Font Layout Artwork Template Words to communicate. or various images that are often reflected by customers as well as the personality of the brand reflected through the service or people in the organization who see and reflect the mission of the organization as well These are the things that are corporate identity, known as “Corporate Identity” (CI) or Brand Identity.  In this article, we will take a look at what Corporate Identity is, what are its key elements, and how important Corporate Identity is in building a brand. Why should business owners focus on it and how to build a CI that people remember!  What is CI? The word Ci (C-I) that we often hear graphic designers ask about often stands for Corporate Identity or what designers call it. “Corporate identity” by the word Ci is like a rule of thumb in the field of design. Presenting images and articles on various media Of course, Ci is not just a logo. But it covers everything, whether it's rules for using graphics. use of written language including used for various activities For social media, promotion, product promotion, etc. If it is a brand that truly cares about Ci, they will use them everywhere. Company Context  Or if you can explain in a succinct way, Ci is color, font style, logo, and how to use the logo. Layout style photo format (Photography style, image color, etc.) Line drawing The language of writing in various mediums such as websites, social media, etc. In a nutshell, Ci is everything that makes people remember you as a brand. the way you want them to know  📍The importance of CI - Create memories for customers to stand out from competitors in the market Imagine that a customer has bought from our store on an online platform. but can't remember the name of the shop When searching for products, they are all found similar products. But customers remember that they used to buy from a store with a blue frame. So come back to buy products with our shop cheaply.  - Determine the direction of business communication The more our business is growing, there is an online storefront. There are more communication channels. In addition, having many admins, CI will play a role in making the image and communication of the business in the same direction. orderly and build a stronger brand  - reduce confusion Having a Corporate Identity can help reduce confusion when a business has multiple sales or customer communication channels. Because if a business applies Brand CI to all sales channels or contact channels may use the same logo, font and color scheme Customers will immediately know that it belongs to the same store.  📍Main Components of Corporate Identity Many people who talk about Corporate Identity may think of logo design for a brand, but Corporate Identity is not limited to design only. but can look deeper than that for this article Noria will address two key elements of Corporate Identity, which are: - Culture and personality - Design  📍Corporate culture and personality As mentioned above, Corporate Identity goes beyond design and design aspects to a brand, CI also means what a brand stands for. Or the expression of the brand to customers to see the standpoint and identity that is more than just a matter of color or graphics.  📍Corporate vision and purpose Creating a brand identity is not just about having a unique product. But it has to start with the brand being able to answer that question first. Why did you choose to create a product? and this type of service What do brands do? brand goals And what is the brand's commitment?  📍Corporate values, culture and behavior Assigning your brand values ​​or values ​​will help you create a Corporate Identity and corporate culture. This will include every design. The workflow is consistent with the identity that is defined as well.  For example, a world-renowned company like Google who values ​​and values ​​working in the office is fun. Of course, valuing this includes focusing on Flexibility and Creativity as well, so Google will apply this idea to all. steps of work since the employment office design for employees Welfare to the content of the work like this and so on  📍Design Now it's time to design to create a Corporate Identity, which in this section many people might be able to imagine, such as logo design. website design graphic design Product packaging design and many other types of design goodies  📍Color (Corporate color palette) Choosing a color for that brand It's the first thing that we need to focus on Because color is what makes people remember our brand the best. And once chosen, they should be used in a similar way. For example, the color of the website, the color of the logo, the color of the Facebook page and the color of the brand should be in the same tone to make it easier for customers to remember.  📍Font (Corporate font/s) Font selection is also important. Especially the font selection in graphics must be consistent in choosing. For example, Sukhumvit, Supermarket, or Prompt fonts are modern fonts. There should always be a selection of fonts that suit the brand identity that we want to bring. The important thing is not to change it too often. Even if it seems like it's not that important However, it may cause customers to not remember your brand for a while.  The location of the logo (and creating graphics) (Corporate stationery) Placing a logo in places such as envelopes, letterheads, and documents is the easiest way to represent your organization. at large corporations Been doing it for a long time and in the online era where brands can distribute content online more conveniently than ever In this section, it may be changed in part to the graphics accompanying the content instead.  In addition, the graphics or lines of the stock photos used are all related to the creation of brand identity through design work, such as the use of geometric graphics. Or use ready-made graphic templates like Canva or Adobe Spark as well. that design The images or graphics used must have a “tone control” so that they can be seen to think of your brand.  📍Why does a business need a Corporate Identity? With more and more competitors in the market every year, creating a brand that is memorable It is something that we have to pay a lot of attention to. in order to become familiar and stand out from competitors in the same business line  You might be thinking, hey, we're just a small company. That's all There is no need for a Corporate Identity that is so grand or strong. But do you believe that the identity of the organization is strong as a premise? will make other parts of your business is strong as well  Other benefits of creating a Corporate Identity include: • Enhancing work that is more consistent and united. • Make you look unique and different from your competitors. • Make work in terms of media design. and providing customer service with convenience, speed and clarity  📍CI and BRANDING These are two things that people tend to mix with each other until they confuse that Ci and Branding are one and the same thing. in fact “It's not like that.” Branding will be a part of the marketing plan that will make the brand known. It is recognizable to rely on Ci as a basis. As mentioned above, Ci is like a rule that everyone must strictly follow. Therefore, whether it is advertising, promoting a business, etc., it is all about Ci as a basis before presenting them to the public. It means that Branding is marketing by using Ci correctly.  The use of CI in design If you are working with a professional designer or creative team then the first question that will come out of their mouth is “What's your Brand Ci?” because the design is the clearest picture we will cover in the story. of Ci, the reason is the various graphic pieces. will create awareness Good public recognition of your brand. Of course, if you didn't have the brand's Ci defined in the first place. The work that comes out will not have a clear style. It also makes it difficult to remember.  The brand recognition we are talking about is Just a few seconds for customers to see your ad or content on social media. and know if this is content or post from your brand That was a success in taking branding to the next level and using Ci the right way. It's like we remember Coca Cola as red and Pepsi as blue.  But of course, Ci is not just a color, you may need to make a brand Ci Manual Script. different logos Primary and secondary logos Both full color, black and white, gray. How to use the logo. Using Clear Space (safe area for placing the logo). Font style that uses both Thai language. English and other languages ​​Primary-secondary colors  Including another equally important thing is "photo", whether it is a photographic style. The color tone of the image to the direction of using the image, what can be done, what cannot be done. Graphic elements such as patterns, patterns, shapes, lines, etc. are all you need to tell your designer right from the start. or if there is no user manual It's important to explain and discuss with each other what's right and which isn't your organizational identity, or if you're outsourced to an agency or team, all the files you have should be sent. Provide them such as logo files (.ai files), images of products or images related to your business.  📍CI and social media Nowadays, the most popular medium is social media, and with this huge number of users, clearly defining the Ci is just as important as when building a brand, or to be right. Social media is about building your brand on an online platform.  In this section we will not talk about the graphics used in the content because the details are the same as in the previous section. But equally important is the “written language”. For example, a Facebook page that has millions of followers, he has a clear written language. Of course, a page that big doesn't have a single admin, but Ci is what each page admin has to follow. For example, entertainment pages will use strong language, fun, bite some, play strange words to bad language, it's not wrong. On the other hand, if it is a page that wants to seriously educate, such as investor page, bank page, product brand page, hospital page, these will use the correct language that is suitable for the intended target group.  And it's not just the language used to make articles or content. Because even talking, replying to comments must use languages ​​that go in the same direction as well That's why when starting a new page. That's why we have to define Brand Persona, which is also part of Ci because every page admin can know who the brand's page is, male, female, age, personality and language usage, etc.  📍CI and customer service This section of the topic will be related to the subject of Culture and personality as mentioned above, see Communicating with customers is building an organization's image and personality. Greeting customers, chatting or responding to customer comments. It must follow the direction or tone of our brand as well. and especially when making new pages The more you need to assign these information to the admin as well. so that they can answer customers in the same way as our brand image  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interested in online marketing care services | online marketing | complete graphics | can contact us anytime | brand building | online marketing | online marketing plan | brand building | Facebook fan page care | Take care of LINE OA. You can contact us 24 hours a day.   Details of online marketing services >> Examples of various brands that we take care of online marketing >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  💙 Consult our team 💙 📱Tel : 0840104252 📱0947805680 Office Hotline : 034-900-165 , 02-297-0811 (Monday-Friday) 📨 Inbox : ┏━━━━━━━━━┓ 📲 LINE: @chatstick ┗━━━━━━━━━┛ or click 🎉 details at 🎉 See our work at

What is Corporate Identity (CI)Why should every brand have it and how to create a CI that people remember?

Have you ever wondered? What makes us remember a famous brand? For example, we can remember this brand. We see a color like this and we think of the brand first. Logo Font Layout Artwork Template Words to communicate. or various images that are often reflected by customers as well as the personality of the brand reflected through the service or people in the organization who see and reflect the mission of the organization as well These are the things that are corporate identity, known as “Corporate Identity” (CI) or Brand Identity.

In this article, we will take a look at what Corporate Identity is, what are its key elements, and how important Corporate Identity is in building a brand. Why should business owners focus on it and how to build a CI that people remember!

What is CI?

The word Ci (C-I) that we often hear graphic designers ask about often stands for Corporate Identity or what designers call it. “Corporate identity” by the word Ci is like a rule of thumb in the field of design. Presenting images and articles on various media Of course, Ci is not just a logo. But it covers everything, whether it's rules for using graphics. use of written language including used for various activities For social media, promotion, product promotion, etc. If it is a brand that truly cares about Ci, they will use them everywhere. Company Context

Or if you can explain in a succinct way, Ci is color, font style, logo, and how to use the logo. Layout style photo format (Photography style, image color, etc.) Line drawing The language of writing in various mediums such as websites, social media, etc. In a nutshell, Ci is everything that makes people remember you as a brand. the way you want them to know

📍The importance of CI

- Create memories for customers

to stand out from competitors in the market Imagine that a customer has bought from our store on an online platform. but can't remember the name of the shop When searching for products, they are all found similar products. But customers remember that they used to buy from a store with a blue frame. So come back to buy products with our shop cheaply.

- Determine the direction of business communication

The more our business is growing, there is an online storefront. There are more communication channels. In addition, having many admins, CI will play a role in making the image and communication of the business in the same direction. orderly and build a stronger brand

- reduce confusion

Having a Corporate Identity can help reduce confusion when a business has multiple sales or customer communication channels. Because if a business applies Brand CI to all sales channels or contact channels may use the same logo, font and color scheme Customers will immediately know that it belongs to the same store.

📍Main Components of Corporate Identity

Many people who talk about Corporate Identity may think of logo design for a brand, but Corporate Identity is not limited to design only. but can look deeper than that for this article Noria will address two key elements of Corporate Identity, which are:

- Culture and personality

- Design

📍Corporate culture and personality

As mentioned above, Corporate Identity goes beyond design and design aspects to a brand, CI also means what a brand stands for. Or the expression of the brand to customers to see the standpoint and identity that is more than just a matter of color or graphics.

📍Corporate vision and purpose

Creating a brand identity is not just about having a unique product. But it has to start with the brand being able to answer that question first. Why did you choose to create a product? and this type of service What do brands do? brand goals And what is the brand's commitment?

📍Corporate values, culture and behavior

Assigning your brand values ​​or values ​​will help you create a Corporate Identity and corporate culture. This will include every design. The workflow is consistent with the identity that is defined as well.

For example, a world-renowned company like Google who values ​​and values ​​working in the office is fun. Of course, valuing this includes focusing on Flexibility and Creativity as well, so Google will apply this idea to all. steps of work since the employment office design for employees Welfare to the content of the work like this and so on


Now it's time to design to create a Corporate Identity, which in this section many people might be able to imagine, such as logo design. website design graphic design Product packaging design and many other types of design goodies

📍Color (Corporate color palette)

Choosing a color for that brand It's the first thing that we need to focus on Because color is what makes people remember our brand the best. And once chosen, they should be used in a similar way. For example, the color of the website, the color of the logo, the color of the Facebook page and the color of the brand should be in the same tone to make it easier for customers to remember.

📍Font (Corporate font/s)

Font selection is also important. Especially the font selection in graphics must be consistent in choosing. For example, Sukhumvit, Supermarket, or Prompt fonts are modern fonts. There should always be a selection of fonts that suit the brand identity that we want to bring. The important thing is not to change it too often. Even if it seems like it's not that important However, it may cause customers to not remember your brand for a while.

The location of the logo (and creating graphics) (Corporate stationery)

Placing a logo in places such as envelopes, letterheads, and documents is the easiest way to represent your organization. at large corporations Been doing it for a long time and in the online era where brands can distribute content online more conveniently than ever In this section, it may be changed in part to the graphics accompanying the content instead.

In addition, the graphics or lines of the stock photos used are all related to the creation of brand identity through design work, such as the use of geometric graphics. Or use ready-made graphic templates like Canva or Adobe Spark as well. that design The images or graphics used must have a “tone control” so that they can be seen to think of your brand.

📍Why does a business need a Corporate Identity?

With more and more competitors in the market every year, creating a brand that is memorable It is something that we have to pay a lot of attention to. in order to become familiar and stand out from competitors in the same business line

You might be thinking, hey, we're just a small company. That's all There is no need for a Corporate Identity that is so grand or strong. But do you believe that the identity of the organization is strong as a premise? will make other parts of your business is strong as well

Other benefits of creating a Corporate Identity include:

• Enhancing work that is more consistent and united.

• Make you look unique and different from your competitors.

• Make work in terms of media design. and providing customer service with convenience, speed and clarity


These are two things that people tend to mix with each other until they confuse that Ci and Branding are one and the same thing. in fact “It's not like that.” Branding will be a part of the marketing plan that will make the brand known. It is recognizable to rely on Ci as a basis. As mentioned above, Ci is like a rule that everyone must strictly follow. Therefore, whether it is advertising, promoting a business, etc., it is all about Ci as a basis before presenting them to the public. It means that Branding is marketing by using Ci correctly.

The use of CI in design

If you are working with a professional designer or creative team then the first question that will come out of their mouth is “What's your Brand Ci?” because the design is the clearest picture we will cover in the story. of Ci, the reason is the various graphic pieces. will create awareness Good public recognition of your brand. Of course, if you didn't have the brand's Ci defined in the first place. The work that comes out will not have a clear style. It also makes it difficult to remember.

The brand recognition we are talking about is Just a few seconds for customers to see your ad or content on social media. and know if this is content or post from your brand That was a success in taking branding to the next level and using Ci the right way. It's like we remember Coca Cola as red and Pepsi as blue.

But of course, Ci is not just a color, you may need to make a brand Ci Manual Script. different logos Primary and secondary logos Both full color, black and white, gray. How to use the logo. Using Clear Space (safe area for placing the logo). Font style that uses both Thai language. English and other languages ​​Primary-secondary colors

Including another equally important thing is "photo", whether it is a photographic style. The color tone of the image to the direction of using the image, what can be done, what cannot be done. Graphic elements such as patterns, patterns, shapes, lines, etc. are all you need to tell your designer right from the start. or if there is no user manual It's important to explain and discuss with each other what's right and which isn't your organizational identity, or if you're outsourced to an agency or team, all the files you have should be sent. Provide them such as logo files (.ai files), images of products or images related to your business.

📍CI and social media

Nowadays, the most popular medium is social media, and with this huge number of users, clearly defining the Ci is just as important as when building a brand, or to be right. Social media is about building your brand on an online platform.

In this section we will not talk about the graphics used in the content because the details are the same as in the previous section. But equally important is the “written language”. For example, a Facebook page that has millions of followers, he has a clear written language. Of course, a page that big doesn't have a single admin, but Ci is what each page admin has to follow. For example, entertainment pages will use strong language, fun, bite some, play strange words to bad language, it's not wrong. On the other hand, if it is a page that wants to seriously educate, such as investor page, bank page, product brand page, hospital page, these will use the correct language that is suitable for the intended target group.

And it's not just the language used to make articles or content. Because even talking, replying to comments must use languages ​​that go in the same direction as well That's why when starting a new page. That's why we have to define Brand Persona, which is also part of Ci because every page admin can know who the brand's page is, male, female, age, personality and language usage, etc.

📍CI and customer service

This section of the topic will be related to the subject of Culture and personality as mentioned above, see Communicating with customers is building an organization's image and personality. Greeting customers, chatting or responding to customer comments. It must follow the direction or tone of our brand as well. and especially when making new pages The more you need to assign these information to the admin as well. so that they can answer customers in the same way as our brand image


Interested in online marketing care services | online marketing | complete graphics | can contact us anytime | brand building | online marketing | online marketing plan | brand building | Facebook fan page care | Take care of LINE OA. You can contact us 24 hours a day.

Details of online marketing services

Examples of various brands that we take care of online marketing


💙 Consult our team 💙

📱Tel : 0840104252 📱0947805680

Office Hotline : 034-900-165 , 02-297-0811 (Monday-Friday)


📲 LINE: @chatstick




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