What is Domain Name ❓

What is Domain Name ❓
👉 What is domain name?
Domain name, generally speaking, refers to the name used to refer to various websites on the Internet. Both in traffic through the browser of general users. It also includes domain name system administrators who can modify the IP address of the domain name immediately without the general user need to know or remember the IP address that has changed the domain name. Name can be uppercase or lowercase letters. not different because The Internet system will recognize all letters as lowercase. Chatstick.com Considered to be the same name, domain name, there are many types of dots, but the most popular is .com because they are early dots. that began to be used and easy to remember
👉🏻 Principles used in naming domain names
1. Domain name length can not be more than 63 characters.
2. Can use English letters mixed with numbers. or underscore (-).
3. English letters small or large considered the same
4. Do not use a dash (-) before the domain name, but can be used in between words.
5. Do not include spaces in the domain name.
6. Domain naming should convey the meaning of our website as much as possible. Because it affects Search Engine ( SEO )
👉 How is domain naming principle important to our website?
1. Naming that is easy to remember It will make more customers or viewers visit our website. which will affect Search Engine ( SEO )
2. Naming related to our website It will make more customers or viewers visit our website. This will affect Search Engine (SEO).
👉🏻 Domain Name setting format according to Internet principles
There are three major formats:
1. Top Level Domain – Top Level Domain is a form that can still be divided into 2 subtypes:
* International domain name or gTLD (generic Top-Level Domain Name) is classified according to usage, such as .com, .net, .org can be used in general. no matter which country
* Nationality domain name or ccTLD (country code Top-Level Domain Name) is classified according to geographical boundaries. or country name such as .th (Thai) , .uk (English), .jp (Japan), .etc.
2. Second Level Domain – Second Level Domain is a sub domain separated from TLD, located next to TLD on the left hand side, e.g. .ac for educational institutions, .co for business.
3. Third Level Domain – Third Level Domain is a sub domain that is separated from the SLD by another layer and is positioned next to the SLD on the left hand side. Used as the abbreviation of the organization such as thaihostclub, etc.
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