What is e-mail ❓ What does an e-mail address consist of ❓

What is e-mail ❓ What does an e-mail address consist of ❓
🔸 What is E-mail?
Electronic-Mail Or as many people are known to believe that E-Mail is electronic mail. used to receive - send interpersonal communication Which will be received - sent through a central network, that is, the Internet (Internet) by using the same use as sending mail through regular mail. is to write internal messages with the name of the sender recipient's name Then click the command to send the message out to the recipient. by both the name of the sender and the recipient's name must go through registration The so-called E-mail Address if the case is a message that the recipient has not allowed. The message will be called Spam.
🔸 Format of email
When you click on an option to compose an email, you'll notice that there are two distinct components:
1. Header or Header looks like a blank space. Please fill in the details. The information that must be filled in is similar to the addressing of an envelope. will consist of
- sender's email address which at present may not be visible
- Recipient's email address
- internal content topics so that the recipient can understand briefly to the topic of this communication
2. The body or the body is the part of the content that can be typed into the text. Just like typing in Word, you can also attach documents, images, videos, or links to information. You can go with email to send to recipients.
🔸 Email usage patterns
1. Offline or offline use, which is a use without having to do it through a central network. (Internet), which can be done by downloading, extracting data in e-mails to store in the program. or inside the computer first When a message arrives in an email Makes it possible to open and view email information on the device at any time. even if there is no connection to the central network However, there are downsides to closed applications. That is, when there is no connection to the central network. If a new message or e-mail arrives, it will never be known.
2. Open use or Online is a normal use that is used. that is, both the receiver and the sender. There is a connection to the central network. This makes it possible to receive or send emails immediately. The disadvantages of this use It depends on the connection to the central network. If connection problems It will cause problems in receiving and sending emails as well.
3. Disconnected applications are a combination of closed and open applications. It relies on storing information or e-mails into the program first. Allows the receiver to operate in a closed loop to reduce the burden of the connection. and computer operation Then when the recipient wants to edit the message. or send an email to reply to sender It will be switched to open to connect to the central network. to be able to send a reply email to the sender
🔸 Format Name Email Address
When applying for an email address, personal information is required. both name - surname date of birth and address to verify the identity of the user The name will follow the same format, yourname@domain.com.
- The first part yourname is a text or name that can be set up. Will be consistent with their own name or not. But the name that is created must not be the same as the name that already exists.
- The @ symbol is used to separate the name and the website name.
- domain.com is the name of the website that is used to apply for an email address, for example gmail.com, outlook.com, yahoo.com and hotmail.com, etc.
🔸 Basic structure and format of email names
If you can see the pattern and the name of the e-mail already Let's study the email naming system together. suppose that someone tell him his e-mail somchai@hotmail.com (Read aloud as Somchai-at-hotmail dot com), the @ sign is pronounced as An “at” is something that is always separated between the name and the server of the email. The name of the server at the end of this can be changed depending on the name of the server that served the email, for example it might end with @. yahoo.com @thailand.com @mail.com or whatever is available…
🔸 Benefits of E-Mail
The benefit of using E-mail is that it is very fast and can send messages to anyone in the world. Can receive and send text, document files, image files, video files or various data links. save cost Greatly reduce the use of paper and consumables. You can also apply for an Email Address for various transactions. on a central network such as Internet Banking, Social Network, etc. to verify the identity of the person as well Importantly, the sender can send unlimited documents. Save time in sending because emails can be forwarded. and can be sent to multiple recipients at the same time
E-Mail is a technology that has been widely used. because it is both convenient It saves resources and can also be used to verify the user's identity. therefore being used as part of various transactions on the internet network world And it is a technology that remains forever as well.
🔸 Common abbreviations in EMAIL
Most of the abbreviations appear within emails. It is a normal word used in everyday communication. Most of these abbreviations are in English. Some words need to be learned in order to be able to use them properly.
- TBA stands for To be announced, meaning to be announced later.
- TBD stands for To be determined, meaning to be determined later.
- TBC stands for To be confirmed, means to be confirmed later.
- BTW stands for By the way, meaning anyway or another.
- FYI stands for For you information means to inform, inform or be information.
- CC stands for Carbon copy, means send a copy to, sent by acknowledgment, no reply needed.
- FW stands for Forwarded message, means sending received emails to relevant people.
- RE stands for Reply, which means replying to an email.
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