What is Lot & Expired?

What is Lot & Expired?
In stocking products, sometimes we forget to focus on important points such as expiration dates or production cycles. Which is actually a very important matter. and may have a bad effect on us later
for example We are a company that sells ready-to-eat frozen food. Of course, the most important thing must be Lot & Expired, or as we call it. Production cycle and expiration date because if we stock a lot of products in the warehouse and do not check the expiration date again May cause food to spoil sold out before the expiration date Causing us to lose products and investments for free
Not just food products alone But it also includes appliances that have a lifetime of use or have other production cycles, such as cosmetics, products, electronic devices. even the phone that must specify the cycle of production to send for inspection whether it is an error from the production or the use of the customer
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