What is resolution photoshop?

What is resolution photoshop?
In this article, we would like to present some knowledge about resolution photoshop, what it is and what it does. Let's bring it to you. If you're ready, let's go see.
Get to know resolution photoshop
resolution is what is the display resolution of the image. which can be defined in units of megapixels. which will have a high image resolution value It is determined by what is the number of pigments (pixels) per unit per length of the image. For example, If your image has a resolution = 160 pixels, it will show that 1 square inch of space will contain 160 colors (pixels).
Why does the resolution need to be set?
In the work, there should always be a reference to the resolution value in order to make it suitable for use in various types. In addition, it is also related to the size of the work file. Because if the work has a high resolution value It will make the work's file larger accordingly.
How many forms of units are there for using resolution?
resolution that is used There are 2 formats as follows:
- pixels/inch is the number or amount of color. in an area of 1 square inch
- pixels/cm is the number or amount of pigment. in area number 1 square centimeter
by resolution value That is popularly used. Number of pixels per inch, abbreviated pixels/inch.
Set the resolution value to be suitable for various types of work
Types of work related to websites Which will focus on the speed of displaying results on the website page. Will be suitable for a resolution of 72 ppi.
Types of work related to general work are suitable with a resolution of 100-250 ppi.
Types of work related to work that require high clarity in displaying work For example, magazine work, posters, etc.
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