Know NAV before investing in mutual funds.
Know NAV before investing in mutual funds.
NAV (Net Asset Value) is the total net assets that the Fund has. from the total asset value that the fund has minus all liabilities Like book value, NAV is used in the EFT industry with the following formula:
(asset market value + cumulative returns and cash) – expenses and
Mutual Fund Liabilities = Net Asset Value (NAV)
What investors need to pay attention to is the NAV per unit that is calculated when trading the fund. There is a formula for calculating as follows:
Investment unit value (NAV per unit) = Net asset value (NAV) / number of investment units
NAV price
NAV prices will be announced at the end of the day. Unlike stocks displayed in Real Time or in the case of closed funds The price will be announced every last working day of the week.
trading decision
It's not a low NAV price, but a look at the NAV growth of that fund.
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